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UK 2022 Hardware and Software sales | New Game sales up 20% YoY, anything else down

Where does it says full year data?
Not saying it isn't but in a report about december sales and with Chris not saying anything specific about the timeframe the split could be for december only.
You're right, it's probably December only.
The super weird thing is for launch sales, the CoD split had some PC sales.
Now 100% are just console. Might the split be physical only GfK data?
COD must be the one game Xboxers are sure to buy outside gamepass

Altho I have mentioned being a big Destiny player and always noticed the splits on that game are very strong as well relative to WW PS/Xbox hardware split. You can view the splits on the Charlemagne Destiny bot on discord. When Destiny was a gamepass game, for a time Xbox Destiny players outnumbered all other platforms (PC/PS/obviously Stadia) I feel like the game has always had a strong sense of community on Xbox, for whatever reason. And in spite of a former marketing deal with Sony and now I suppose, the studio being owned by Sony (though this has zero effect on the content)

For this post I went and looked the numbers, for January 08/9 Total (Destiny) Players 920.81k, Xbox 302.70k, Playstation 361.43k, Steam 245.90k Stadia 2.83k

The numbers also repeatedly showed how Stadia just did not gain any traction whatsoever. Even before the announced closing, Stadia players were very few, and in single digits of thousands typically IIRC.
So COD went from 63:37 in favour of PS first week to 54:46 overall? Not shocking given GOWR came out on PS platforms just a couple of weeks later and was absolutely massive. PS gamers also still had the bigger recent exclusives of Horizon and GT7 to buy.

Assuming digital had the same legs as physical, COD only sold 27% of its YTD sales first week. That means the remaining 73% would have to be in the ratio 51:49, so PS platforms still outsold Xbox platforms post launch, but only just. Totally believable scenario to me.
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