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Sega output strategy | Discussion thread

Unionized workers at Sega of America have ratified a contract that gives them guaranteed raises, just cause, and other benefits. It's the first union contract at a major U.S. gaming company — a milestone that may accelerate organization across the industry.

Exerpts from the article:
The contract, ratified Tuesday, covers around 150 people across marketing and other departments at the division’s offices in Southern California. Workers will receive minimum yearly pay increases of 4% in 2024, 3% in 2025 and 2.5% in 2026 as well as a number of other benefits, Catalina Brennan-Gatica, a representative for the Communications Workers of America, said in an interview.
Other provisions in the contract include a just-cause policy, codified benefits such as health insurance and a commitment to credit everyone who worked on a project.
The contract also requires Sega to give notice ahead of layoffs and to offer a minimum of two-weeks’ severance to impacted employees, capped at eight weeks.

Oh, also Midori's leaving Twitter. Very likely Sega found out and are taking legal action.
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