We spoke to Nakao Yuji, who joined the company in 2018 and is currently working on the front lines as a producer, about the working environment at PlatinumGames and communication within the team.
- Knowing my strengths, I decided to change jobs
I joined my previous job as a new graduate and gained experience in the game industry as a planner and director. The work I did at that time was more of a general position, and I gained a wide range of experience in non-creation tasks, such as time management, organization, and budget management.
After taking on such a wide range of tasks for several years, my strengths and weaknesses became clear. At one point, I wondered if I should continue with planning, and decided to switch to a producer position, thinking that my strengths could be utilized in management, overseeing the overall picture and maximizing the commercial value of games.
- I thought I had no choice but to accept it, so I went for it.
When I started looking for a new job, I had two key criteria for choosing a company: "being a developer" and "being involved in a title on a larger scale than my current company." There are only a very limited number of developer companies looking for producers, and PlatinumGames was one of those few.
I knew about PlatinumGames as a fan, and when I played the action game "BAYONETTA" released in 2009, I remember being shocked at how new a game it was at the time. A company I had been a fan of for a long time was looking for a producer. I thought I had no choice but to apply, so I went for it. As a result, I was successfully offered a job at PlatinumGames, the first company I applied to, and I've been there ever since.
- To improve quality, spend your time in a positive way
As I had seen in interviews with (CEO) Inaba before joining the company, PlatinumGames has a strong passion for development, and they are very stoic in their work. In that sense, there wasn't a big gap between the work I did at the company and the work I did at the time.
As for the working environment, since it's game development there are of course hard times, but rather than spending time just doing the bare minimum, time is used in a positive way to improve the quality of the game...it was just as I expected.
僕の最初のミッションは自社IPタイトルの1本目である「The Wonderful 101:Remastered」のプロデューサーでした。自社IPタイトルの制作自体がプラチナゲームズとして初めてで、プロデューサーとして入社したのも僕は初めてだったので、当時はよちよち歩きで色々挑戦していたのが今でも懐かしいですね(笑)。
My first mission was as producer of "The Wonderful 101: Remastered," our first in-house IP title. It was the first time PlatinumGames had produced an in-house IP title, and it was also my first time joining the company as a producer, so I still have fond memories of taking my first steps and trying all sorts of different things (laughs).
Generally, directors and producers are thought of as roles that you can only achieve at the end of a long career, but at PlatinumGames, if there's even the slightest possibility, we often take on the challenge of "give it a try." If you show a desire to grow, I think it's an environment where you can steadily expand the scope of your responsibilities and the tasks you'll be entrusted with.
- A place where opinions are exchanged productively and consensus is reached
At PlatinumGames, producers and directors are not superiors, and flat communication is the norm. In fact, in the projects where I am the producer, rather than basically "giving instructions and having people do something," we proceed by productively exchanging opinions on "what we want to achieve, and how we can go about it," and then reaching an agreement.
Throughout the entire development process, the desire to "make an interesting game" is very strong, and each member utilizes their expertise with the mindset of "how to make the game interesting," which is a major strength of the team. That's why it's important to have an environment where people can discuss their common goals regardless of their position, and these kinds of opinion-sharing and discussions can be seen on a daily basis on the floor.
--I want to create an interesting action game together with the staff at PlatinumGames.
今後成し遂げたいことは、僕がまだ経験したことの無い「完全新規のオリジナルタイトル」のプロデューサーです。これまで前職で経験したディレクター職や、「The Wonderful 101:Remastered」「ベヨネッタ3」でのプロデューサーの経験を活かし、今後は完全オリジナルタイトルを1から積み上げて完成させることを目指しています。
What I want to achieve in the future is to become a producer on a completely new original title, something I have never experienced before. I aim to utilize the experience I gained as a director in my previous job, and as a producer on "The Wonderful 101: Remastered" and "Bayonetta 3," to build and complete a completely original title from scratch.
Also, one of PlatinumGames' greatest strengths is action games. My big goal is to create fun action games together with the development staff working here. Ultimately, I'd like to create something that surpasses the titles that Inaba and his team have created.
Since its founding, PlatinumGames has strived to be the "strongest creative group." We believe this is a company where you can enjoy the experience of developing a work through communication, so we hope you will take on the challenge.
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