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PlatinumGames // Strategic Bomba Command // non-stop climatic bloody minded self-publishing action. // P* Origins: Clover & the Lost Okami sequel.

"Whadya buyin!? Heard that in a game once."

  • Bayonetta 3 (Switch)

    Votes: 31 42.5%
  • NieR Automata The End of YorHA Edition (Switch)

    Votes: 6 8.2%
  • "Flock off, feather-face!" I'm buying all of the above.

    Votes: 32 43.8%
  • Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (Switch)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "Put your foot down, Cheshire! I'll take care of our little pest problem." Buying all three.

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • NieR Miss, Pass the Bayo! - getting Bayonetta 3 & Bayonetta Origins.

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Geez, she really did just go full on scorched earth for nothing. The game got tons of publicity at least.
incredible. vgchartz continues to be a pox upon the sales community.
Only means IB needs more exposure. Maybe we need a catchy slogan for IB?

"InstallBaseForum.com - More Truths Every Thursday"


"InstallBaseForum.com - Charts, not Chartz"
Only in a sheltered bubble with people earning probably less than the average/median income can you see people seriously saying that $1k per hour is insulting pay.

Why am I not surprised that the VA was beeing dishonest. I have a hard time taking anything Twitter centered around a woe is me attitude seriously
To be blunt, I don’t see the issue even if what she said was true. They gave her an offer, she thought it was a lowball of her worth and she walked away, studio gets a replacement, the end.
Absolutely. They just didn’t find an agreement
"InstallBaseForum.com - Charts, not Chartz"
Love it

That aside, my secret hope is that Platinum is working on AC2, but i doubt It. Probably they are working on some live service title
I though she add Bayonetta in Smash Brother be total $450M and that nonsense if she want fee residuals from Smash Brother too.

Paid 5 digit US Dollar in one weeks higher than normal rate but offer 6 digit look greedy.

The funniest posts from this outrage.

Man why he delete it

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This whole social media just lead to humanity losing their critical thinking and returning to the good old Witch hunting tribalism.

The fact that it is so easy to manipulate and move a huge amount of mob to harass other people just due to a single person asking them is showing how getting clout and many still hold good old bullying attitude.
I earn 10€/h (14€/h if it's holiday) as a nurse in the main Hospital of my city and I've been very salty about this whole topic these days.
Nurse, saving lives: 10 Euro per Hour
Voice-actor: 1000 Euro per Hour


... okay, I'll stop. This is just an endlessly frustrating topic and you just know these people will not learn from this time. @Mori Medinayo Just wanna say thank you on mankind's behalf, your job is truly important <3
VGChartz numbers are actually lower than the real ones, so it definitely wasn't that.

The 450M$ thing is just nonsense.

Well, I just checked. There are "totals" and separate numbers for each games. If you'll count everything together and then multiply it by $60, you'll have ~$475M 😶‍🌫️

But Bayonetta for Steam was priced at $19,99 from the beginning (according to VGC it sold 420,000 on PC).

So "total revenue" would be like $458M. Taylor said $450M.

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Just want to give my final thoughts on the fallout.

I'm still shocked that a payment depute blowup the way it did and an actress basically committed career suicide over something so petty. But I saw the red flags the moment she insulted her replacement and called the morality of people buying the game. That and it made no sense to undercut her when they went and got a vet VA and not some newcomer for a discount price. Even the 'they wanted to politely fire her, so they offered her little money'' made no sense to me since Platinum was never under any obligation to rehire her.
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Only means IB needs more exposure. Maybe we need a catchy slogan for IB?

"InstallBaseForum.com - More Truths Every Thursday"


"InstallBaseForum.com - Charts, not Chartz"
"Installbasedforum.com - charting a course for the future" as I typed it out I read future in a Shulk/Noah voice
When do the Bayo 3 reviews come out. Those will be interesting to see.

Just want to give my final thoughts on the fallout.

I'm still shocked that a payment depute blowup the way it did and an actress basically committed career suicide over something so petty. But I saw the red flags the moment she insulted her replacement and called the morality of people buying the game. That and it made no sense to undercut her when they went and got a vet VA and not some newcomer for a discount price. Even the 'they wanted to politely fire her, so they offered her little money'' made no sense to me since Platinum was never under any obligation to rehire her.
You basically summed up my thoughts on this matter perfectly. Normally when these types of accusations show up, the person accusing is usually rather professional and discourages harassment. But attacking her replacement VA just rubbed a bad taste in my mouth.

That and Bayonetta is nowhere near worth $450 million otherwise it wouldn’t be a Nintendo exclusive in the first place.
If VAs are underpaid, how are people who work as construction workers?
Depends on how the job is bid usually. Union state/federal jobs are usually around $26-$30 for union laborers and $29-$35 for union operators. I’m a field engineer and only make $34. (Plus a bunch of other jobs: inspectors, technicians, technologists, geotechs, etc)

Non union jobs pay squat and they’re usually more dangerous. They usually lack properly trained personnel too. I’ve been on some jobs for big box stores where I’m expected to do my job, the technician’s job, write an inspection report and I helped moved a bunch of stockpiled material with a loader. Awful experience.

I’d say we’re all underpaid for the work/danger we put ourselves in every day.
I though she add Bayonetta in Smash Brother be total $450M and that nonsense if she want fee residuals from Smash Brother too.

Paid 5 digit US Dollar in one weeks higher than normal rate but offer 6 digit look greedy.

Man why he delete it

At least we get to know that he's in fact a bullshiter for future reference.
Well, I just checked. There are "totals" and separate numbers for each games. If you'll count everything together and then multiply it by $60, you'll have ~$475M 😶‍🌫️

But Bayonetta for Steam was priced at $19,99 from the beginning (according to VGC it sold 420,000 on PC).

So "total revenue" would be like $458M. Taylor said $450M.


If they actually did something this dumb I have no words lol🤦‍♂️
He also thinks it's probably the end of the line for the franchise unless it massively overperforms.
I hope the people involved in that shitstorm are happy now.
I hope the people involved in that shitstorm are happy now.
They are, she got what she wanted and everyone on Twitter feel like they were good people and had the moral ground for few hours after jump the next controversy.
Again Resetera showing than they aren't better than 4CHAN /v/.
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Where'd you see this?
It wouldn't launder their image. It would look like a big company going after an individual person, which is what it is. The right and wrong of it would not be conveyed to the mass audience.

At this point the only thing to do from a PR perspective is release the game and never talk about any of this again. Taylor has decided, for reasons people can read into if they want, to just move on from this after dropping her videos. Unless this game massively performs over expectations I doubt we'll get another strictly Bayonetta title again anyway. That's possible, I suppose, but I don't think anyone at Nintendo or PlatinumGames is drawing up Bayonetta 4 on the back of a napkin right now.

It is what it is, you can't put the genie back in the bottle no matter how much Nintendo or PlatinumGames would want to.
I thought it was some insider info but that's just his opinion. Nothing really relevant I think.
The initial quote also made me think it was info, reading the comment sounds like an opinion. Hope it sells well anyways
People really think that Insiders have a hotline to Furukawa and would know how the higher ups at NCL feel about a partnership they have been nurturing for over a decade just because some US Twitter moment.

No one would take NCL serious if they would overreact and make business decision under such circumstances.

You don't need to be an insider to know that the performance of B3 will have an impact on how Nintendo is gonna engage with the series in the future, but that's common sense and based on previews it seems that Platinum showed up and delivered.
That makes no sense since VGChartz has the franchise total sales at 3M. That multiplied by 60 is 180M. That's an idiotic theory.
No, this is the result of "broken phone", the initial theory was that she added up all numbers displayed in VGChartz (so totals together with every sort of breakdown displayed...). That does add up a little over 450 million when multiplied by $60... And yes that would be really dumb but actually possible.
No, this is the result of "broken phone", the initial theory was that she added up all numbers displayed in VGChartz (so totals together with every sort of breakdown displayed...). That does add up a little over 450 million when multiplied by $60... And yes that would be really dumb but actually possible.
Yeah, the issue is that the pricing in most cases is way lower. For example you get both Bayonetta 1 and 2 for $60 on Switch.

I think dialing back marketing after this is a good way to reduce marketing costs, since Taylor gave the game some massive free marketing.
if Bayo 3 was teh end, that was decided a long time ago. Nintendo has Astral Chain and any new idea they could completely own. why wouldn't they want to bounce off Bayonetta?
On a bright note, a vid about the article is now the most viewed Bayo 3 vid on YT with over 3 million views, so the word is getting out there at least thankfully:

Edit: And they're back tweeting!

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On a bright note, a vid about the article is now the most viewed Bayo 3 vid on YT with over 3 million views, so the word is getting out there at least thankfully:

I didn't expect Charlie's correction video to have double the views of his initial coverage of the drama. Most other coverage has the latest updates receiving significantly less traction than the original, so it's great that Charlie is overturning that trend.
I'd assume this was being prepared before the Bloomberg article came in and settled everything down. They may as well post it if they have it.
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