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Nintendo Earnings Release Data (From FY3/2017 to Present) for Switch


(They publish Dark Souls)
If you have found this thread to look for Nintendo earnings data, it is recommended that you go to my webpage which has the latest and most accurate data: https://r134x7.github.io/nintendo-earnings-data-and-other-video-game-companies/

The data in this thread is no longer maintained so there could be errors which have only been fixed on my webpage and not this thread.

- M = Million (or rather 10^6)
- There is no Wii U/3DS data here due to the work required to add it in.
- I've added links to all the earnings releases and supplementary data for each financial year.
- There is data that might be off by 0.01M units, this is a margin of error. Go to this post for an explanation: https://www.installbaseforum.com/fo...fy3-2017-to-present-for-switch.205/post-19409
- Some code boxes are large which require scrolling inside the box vertically or horizontally to see all data in that box.
- Top Selling Titles link: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/index.html
- Dedicated Video Games Sales Units link: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard_soft/index.html


Q1 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2016/160727e.pdf
Q2 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2016/161026e.pdf
Q3 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/170131e.pdf
Q4 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/170427e.pdf
Q4 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/170427_6e.pdf


Consolidated operating results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017:

| Nintendo Co., Ltd.| Net Sales   | Operating Income | Op. Margin | Net Profit |
| 1st Quarter       |    ¥61,969M |         ¥-5,134M |     -8.28% |  ¥-24,534M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |     -31.32% |         -546.82% |            |   -396.16% |
| 2nd Quarter       |    ¥74,843M |           ¥-813M |     -1.09% |   ¥62,833M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |     -34.32% |         -110.39% |            |  +1874.64% |
| 3rd Quarter       |   ¥174,309M |         ¥32,262M |     18.51% |   ¥64,670M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |     -21.30% |           -3.72% |            |   +122.29% |
| 4th Quarter       |   ¥177,974M |          ¥3,047M |      1.71% |     ¥-395M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |    +125.87% |         -131.73% |            |    -98.36% |
| First Half        |   ¥136,812M |         ¥-5,947M |     -4.35% |   ¥38,299M |
| First Half YoY%   |     -33.00% |         -166.25% |            |   +234.02% |
| First 3 Quarters  |   ¥311,121M |         ¥26,315M |      8.46% |  ¥102,969M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |     -26.91% |          -38.06% |            |   +153.88% |
| FY3/17 Cumulative |   ¥489,095M |         ¥29,362M |      6.00% |  ¥102,574M |
| FY3/17 Cml. YoY%  |      -3.05% |          -10.70% |            |   +521.47% |
| FY3/17 Forecast   |   ¥500,000M |         ¥45,000M |      9.00% |   ¥35,000M |
| 1st FCST Revision |   ¥470,000M |         ¥30,000M |      6.38% |   ¥50,000M |
| 2nd FCST Revision |   ¥470,000M |         ¥20,000M |      4.26% |   ¥90,000M |
| FY3/18 Forecast   |   ¥750,000M |         ¥65,000M |      9.00% |   ¥45,000M |

Consolidated sales units, sales units forecast and sales information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017:

| Switch (units)    |Hardware Total|Software Total|
| 4th Quarter       |        2.74M |        5.46M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative |        2.74M |        5.46M |
| Life-To-Date      |        2.74M |        5.46M |
| FY3/17 Forecast   |         0.0M |         0.0M |
| FY3/18 Forecast   |        10.0M |        35.0M |
(Software sales units include both packaged and downloadable versions of software.)
| Smart devices, IP related income, etc.|
| 1st Quarter       |           ¥1,649M |
| 2nd Quarter       |           ¥1,759M |
| 3rd Quarter       |           ¥7,275M |
| 4th Quarter       |          ¥13,567M |
| First Half        |           ¥3,408M |
| First 3 Quarters  |          ¥10,683M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative |          ¥24,250M |
(Includes income from smart-device content and royalty income.)

Key Indicators and Digital Sales Indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017:

| Proportion of overseas sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  72.3%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  70.1%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  71.2%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  77.4%  |
| 1st Half           |  71.1%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  71.2%  |
| FY3/17 Cumulative  |  73.4%  |
(※ Proportion of overseas(outside of Japan) sales to total sales)
| Proportion of hardware sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  41.9%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  56.1%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  44.2%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  67.3%  |
| 1st Half           |  49.7%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  46.6%  |
| FY3/17 Cumulative  |  54.0%  |
(※ Proportion of hardware(including accessories) sales to total
dedicated videogame platform sales)
| Proportion of first party software sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  83.4%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  71.4%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  93.9%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  85.7%  |
| 1st Half           |  77.7%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  87.5%  |
| FY3/17 Cumulative  |  87.0%  |
(※ Proportion of first-party software sales to total dedicated video
game software sales)
| Digital Sales                  |
| 1st Quarter        |    ¥7.8B  |
| 2nd Quarter        |    ¥6.9B  |
| 3rd Quarter        |    ¥8.3B  |
| 4th Quarter        |    ¥9.4B  |
| 1st Half           |   ¥14.7B  |
| 1st Three Quarters |   ¥23.1B  |
| FY3/17 Cumulative  |   ¥32.5B  |
(※ Digital sales include a) downloadable versions of packaged software,
b) download-only software,c) add-on content
| Proportion of Digital Sales  |
| 1st Quarter        |  22.5%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  21.7%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |   9.0%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  17.7%  |
| 1st Half           |  22.1%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  14.5%  |
| FY3/17 Cumulative  |  15.3%  |
(※ Proportion of digital sales to total dedicated
video game software sales )

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017:

| Switch Hardware         |  Japan   |The Americas|   Other   |
| 4th Quarter (Units)     |     0.6M |       1.2M |     0.94M |
| 4th Quarter WW%         |   21.98% |     43.96% |    34.43% |
|FY3/17 Cumulative (Units)|     0.6M |       1.2M |     0.94M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative WW%   |   21.98% |     43.96% |    34.43% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)    |     0.6M |       1.2M |     0.94M |
| Life-To-Date WW%        |   21.98% |     43.96% |    34.43% |
| Switch Software         |  Japan   |The Americas|   Other   |
| 4th Quarter (Units)     |    0.89M |      2.86M |     1.71M |
| 4th Quarter WW%         |    16.3% |     52.38% |    31.32% |
|FY3/17 Cumulative (Units)|    0.89M |      2.86M |     1.71M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative WW%   |    16.3% |     52.38% |    31.32% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)    |    0.89M |      2.86M |     1.71M |
| Life-To-Date WW%        |    16.3% |     52.38% |    31.32% |

Million-Seller Nintendo First-Party Titles for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017:

| Nintendo Switch FY Million-Seller Titles                                                  |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.39M |       2.37M |     2.76M |      2.76M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.39M |       2.37M |     2.76M |      2.76M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   14.13% |      85.87% |    100.0% |       0.0% |

Top Selling Title Sales Units for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017:

| Switch - Top Selling Titles (No Ranking) |   Units   |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  |           |
| 4th Quarter                              |     2.76M |
| FY3/17 Cumulative                        |     2.76M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     2.76M |


Q1 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/170726e.pdf
Q1 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/170726_2e.pdf
Q2 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/171030e.pdf
Q2 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2017/171030_4e.pdf
Q3 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180131e.pdf
Q3 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180131_3e.pdf
Q4 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180426e.pdf
Q4 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180426_4e.pdf


Consolidated operating results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018:

| Nintendo Co., Ltd.| Net Sales   | Operating Income | Op. Margin | Net Profit |
| 1st Quarter       |   ¥154,069M |         ¥16,208M |     10.52% |   ¥21,260M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |    +148.62% |         +415.70% |            |   +186.66% |
| 2nd Quarter       |   ¥219,972M |         ¥23,753M |     10.80% |   ¥30,243M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |    +193.91% |        +3021.65% |            |    -51.87% |
| 3rd Quarter       |   ¥482,971M |        ¥116,501M |     24.12% |   ¥83,662M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |    +177.08% |         +261.11% |            |    +29.37% |
| 4th Quarter       |   ¥198,670M |         ¥21,095M |     10.62% |    ¥4,425M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |     +11.63% |         +592.32% |            |  +1220.25% |
| First Half        |   ¥374,041M |         ¥39,961M |     10.68% |   ¥51,503M |
| First Half YoY%   |    +173.40% |         +771.95% |            |    +34.48% |
| First 3 Quarters  |   ¥857,012M |        ¥156,462M |     18.26% |  ¥135,165M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |    +175.46% |         +494.57% |            |    +31.27% |
| FY3/18 Cumulative | ¥1,055,682M |        ¥177,557M |     16.82% |  ¥139,590M |
| FY3/18 Cml. YoY%  |    +115.84% |         +504.72% |            |    +36.09% |
| FY3/18 Forecast   |   ¥750,000M |         ¥65,000M |      8.67% |   ¥45,000M |
| 1st FCST Revision |   ¥960,000M |        ¥120,000M |     12.50% |   ¥85,000M |
| 2nd FCST Revision | ¥1,020,000M |        ¥160,000M |     15.69% |  ¥120,000M |
| FY3/19 Forecast   | ¥1,200,000M |        ¥225,000M |      8.67% |  ¥165,000M |

Consolidated sales units, sales units forecast and sales information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018:

| Switch (units)    |Hardware Total|Software Total|
| 1st Quarter       |        1.97M |        8.14M |
| 2nd Quarter       |        2.92M |       13.88M |
| 3rd Quarter       |        7.24M |       25.08M |
| 4th Quarter       |        2.92M |       16.41M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |       +6.57% |     +200.55% |
| First Half        |        4.89M |       22.02M |
| First 3 Quarters  |       12.13M |       47.10M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative |       15.05M |       63.51M |
| FY3/18 Cml. YoY%  |     +449.27% |    +1063.19% |
| Life-To-Date      |       17.79M |       68.97M |
| FY3/18 Forecast   |       10.00M |       35.00M |
| 1st FCST Revision |       14.00M |       50.00M |
| 2nd FCST Revision |       15.00M |       53.00M |
| FY3/19 Forecast   |       20.00M |      100.00M |
(Software sales units include both packaged and downloadable versions of software.)
| Smart devices, IP related income, etc.|
| 1st Quarter       |           ¥9,062M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |          +449.55% |
| 2nd Quarter       |           ¥8,863M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |          +403.87% |
| 3rd Quarter       |          ¥11,176M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |           +53.62% |
| 4th Quarter       |          ¥10,219M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |           -24.68% |
| First Half        |          ¥17,925M |
| First Half YoY%   |          +425.97% |
| First 3 Quarters  |          ¥29,101M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |          +172.40% |
| FY3/18 Cumulative |          ¥39,320M |
| FY3/18 Cml. YoY%  |           +62.14% |
(Includes income from smart-device content and royalty income.)

Key Indicators and Digital Sales Indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018:

| Proportion of overseas sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  73.9%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  72.1%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  76.1%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  77.8%  |
| 1st Half           |  72.8%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  74.7%  |
| FY3/18 Cumulative  |  75.3%  |
(※ Proportion of overseas(outside of Japan) sales to total sales)
| Proportion of hardware sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  61.0%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  70.0%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  66.4%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  61.3%  |
| 1st Half           |  66.3%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  66.3%  |
| FY3/18 Cumulative  |  65.4%  |
(※ Proportion of hardware(including accessories) sales to total
dedicated videogame platform sales)
| Proportion of first party software sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  87.3%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  73.6%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  88.9%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  84.9%  |
| 1st Half           |  80.0%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  85.4%  |
| FY3/18 Cumulative  |  85.3%  |
(※ Proportion of first-party software sales to total dedicated video
game software sales)
| Digital Sales                  |
| 1st Quarter        |   ¥11.0B  |
| 2nd Quarter        |   ¥11.7B  |
| 3rd Quarter        |   ¥20.3B  |
| 4th Quarter        |   ¥17.6B  |
| 1st Half           |   ¥22.8B  |
| 1st Three Quarters |   ¥43.1B  |
| FY3/18 Cumulative  |   ¥60.8B  |
(※ Digital sales include a) downloadable versions of packaged software,
b) download-only software,c) add-on content and d) Nintendo Switch Online, etc.
| Proportion of Digital Sales  |
| 1st Quarter        |  19.5%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  18.6%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  12.8%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  24.2%  |
| 1st Half           |  19.1%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  15.5%  |
| FY3/18 Cumulative  |  17.3%  |
(※ Proportion of digital sales to total dedicated
video game software sales )

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018:

| Switch Hardware          |  Japan   |The Americas|   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    0.52M |      0.75M |     0.69M |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   26.40% |     38.07% |    35.03% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    0.83M |      1.17M |     0.93M |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   28.42% |     40.07% |    31.85% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    1.77M |      2.82M |     2.64M |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   24.45% |     38.95% |    36.46% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    0.66M |      1.20M |     1.07M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  +10.00% |     +0.00% |   +13.83% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   22.60% |     41.10% |    36.64% |
| First Half               |    1.35M |      1.92M |     1.62M |
| First Half WW%           |   27.61% |     39.26% |    33.13% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    3.12M |      4.74M |     4.26M |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   25.72% |     39.08% |    35.12% |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)|    3.78M |      5.94M |     5.33M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative WW%    |   25.12% |     39.47% |    35.42% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |    4.38M |      7.14M |     6.27M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   24.62% |     40.13% |    35.24% |
| Switch Software          |  Japan   |The Americas|   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    1.56M |      3.63M |     2.95M |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   19.16% |     44.59% |    36.24% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    2.81M |      5.77M |     5.30M |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   20.24% |     41.57% |    38.18% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    4.55M |     11.39M |     9.14M |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   18.14% |     45.41% |    36.44% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    3.34M |      6.73M |     6.34M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         | +275.28% |   +135.31% |  +270.76% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   20.35% |     41.01% |    38.63% |
| First Half               |    4.37M |      9.40M |     8.25M |
| First Half WW%           |   19.85% |     42.69% |    37.47% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    8.92M |     20.79M |    17.39M |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   18.94% |     44.14% |    36.92% |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)|   12.26M |     27.52M |    23.73M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative WW%    |   19.30% |     43.33% |    37.36% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |   13.15M |     30.38M |    25.44M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   19.07% |     44.05% |    36.89% |
| After Europe Data is split off from Other                               |
| Switch Hardware         |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| Life-To-Date (Units)    |    4.38M |      7.14M |     4.54M |     1.72M |
| Life-To-Date WW%        |   24.63% |     40.16% |    25.53% |     9.67% |
| Switch Software         |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| Life-To-Date (Units)    |   13.15M |     30.38M |    20.59M |     4.86M |
| Life-To-Date WW%        |   19.07% |     44.05% |    29.85% |     7.05% |

Million-Seller Nintendo First-Party Titles for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018:

| Nintendo Switch FY Million-Seller Titles                                                  |
| 1-2-Switch                              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.32M |       1.03M |     1.34M |      2.29M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.32M |       1.03M |     1.34M |      2.29M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   23.88% |      76.87% |    58.52% |     41.48% |
| ARMS                                    | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.23M |       0.95M |     1.18M |      1.18M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.07M |        0.1M |     0.17M |      1.35M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |     0.1M |       0.16M |     0.26M |      1.61M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.07M |       0.17M |     0.24M |      1.85M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.47M |       1.38M |     1.85M |      1.85M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   25.41% |      74.59% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.69M |       2.85M |     3.54M |      3.54M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.18M |       0.71M |     0.88M |      4.42M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.51M |        2.4M |     2.91M |      7.33M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.3M |       1.58M |     1.89M |      9.22M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |    1.68M |       7.54M |     9.22M |      9.22M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   18.22% |      81.78% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.21M |       0.95M |     1.16M |      3.92M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.08M |        0.7M |     0.77M |       4.7M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.22M |       1.78M |     2.01M |       6.7M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.19M |       1.58M |     1.78M |      8.48M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.7M |       5.01M |     5.72M |      8.48M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   12.24% |      87.59% |    67.45% |     32.55% |
| Kirby Star Allies                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.5M |       0.75M |     1.26M |      1.26M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.5M |       0.75M |     1.26M |      1.26M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   39.68% |      59.52% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Xenoblade Chronicles 2                  | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.26M |        0.8M |     1.06M |      1.06M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.05M |       0.21M |     0.25M |      1.31M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.31M |       1.01M |     1.31M |      1.31M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   23.66% |       77.1% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Pokkén Tournament DX *                  | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.0M |       1.16M |     1.16M |      1.16M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.0M |       1.16M |     1.16M |      1.16M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |     0.0% |      100.0% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
*This title is published by The Pokémon Company in the domestic market.
| Splatoon 2                              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    1.56M |       2.05M |     3.61M |      3.61M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.65M |       0.65M |      1.3M |      4.91M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.4M |       0.71M |     1.11M |      6.02M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |    2.61M |       3.41M |     6.02M |      6.02M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   43.36% |      56.64% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario Odyssey                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    1.76M |       7.31M |     9.07M |      9.07M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.15M |       1.19M |     1.34M |     10.41M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative (Units)               |    1.91M |        8.5M |    10.41M |     10.41M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   18.35% |      81.65% |    100.0% |       0.0% |

Top Selling Title Sales Units for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018:

| Switch - Top Selling Titles (No Ranking) |   Units   |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     3.54M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.88M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     2.91M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.89M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     9.22M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     9.22M |
| Super Mario Odyssey                      |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     9.07M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.34M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |    10.41M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    10.41M |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.16M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.78M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      2.0M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.78M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     5.72M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     8.48M |
| Splatoon 2                               |           |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     3.61M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      1.3M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.11M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     6.02M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     6.02M |
| 1-2-Switch                               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.22M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.15M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.51M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.41M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     2.29M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     2.29M |
| ARMS                                     |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.18M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.17M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.26M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.24M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     1.85M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     1.85M |
| Kirby Star Allies                        |           |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.26M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     1.26M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     1.26M |
| Xenoblade Chronicles 2                   |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.06M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.25M |
| FY3/18 Cumulative                        |     1.31M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     1.31M |
Last edited:

Q1 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180731e.pdf
Q1 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/180731_2e.pdf
Q2 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/181030e.pdf
Q2 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2018/181030_3e.pdf
Q3 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190131e.pdf
Q3 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190131_2e.pdf
Q4 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190425e.pdf
Q4 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190425_3e.pdf


Consolidated operating results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019:

| Nintendo Co., Ltd.| Net Sales   | Operating Income | Op. Margin | Net Profit |
| 1st Quarter       |   ¥168,157M |         ¥30,535M |     18.16% |   ¥30,600M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |      +9.14% |          +88.39% |            |    +43.93% |
| 2nd Quarter       |   ¥220,748M |         ¥30,870M |     13.98% |   ¥33,976M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |      +0.35% |          +29.96% |            |    +12.34% |
| 3rd Quarter       |   ¥608,390M |        ¥158,624M |     26.07% |  ¥104,209M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |     +25.97% |          +36.16% |            |    +24.56% |
| 4th Quarter       |   ¥203,265M |         ¥29,672M |     14.60% |   ¥25,224M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |      +2.31% |          +40.66% |            |   +470.03% |
| First Half        |   ¥388,905M |         ¥61,405M |     15.79% |   ¥64,576M |
| First Half YoY%   |      +3.97% |          +53.66% |            |    +25.38% |
| First 3 Quarters  |   ¥997,295M |        ¥220,029M |     22.06% |  ¥168,785M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |     +16.37% |          +40.63% |            |    +24.87% |
| FY3/19 Cumulative | ¥1,200,560M |        ¥249,701M |     20.80% |  ¥194,009M |
| FY3/19 Cml. YoY%  |     +13.72% |          +40.63% |            |    +38.98% |
| FY3/19 Forecast   | ¥1,200,000M |        ¥225,000M |     18.75% |  ¥165,000M |
| FY3/20 Forecast   | ¥1,250,000M |        ¥260,000M |     18.75% |  ¥180,000M |

Consolidated sales units, sales units forecast and sales information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019:

| Switch (units)    |Hardware Total|Software Total|
| 1st Quarter       |        1.88M |       17.96M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |       -4.57% |     +120.64% |
| 2nd Quarter       |        3.19M |       24.17M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |       +9.25% |      +74.14% |
| 3rd Quarter       |        9.42M |       52.51M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |      +30.11% |     +109.37% |
| 4th Quarter       |        2.46M |       23.91M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |      -15.75% |      +45.70% |
| First Half        |        5.07M |       42.13M |
| First Half YoY%   |       +3.68% |      +91.33% |
| First 3 Quarters  |       14.49M |       94.64M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |      +19.46% |     +100.93% |
| FY3/19 Cumulative |       16.95M |      118.55M |
| FY3/19 Cml. YoY%  |      +12.62% |      +86.66% |
| Life-To-Date      |       34.74M |      187.52M |
| FY3/19 Forecast   |       20.00M |      100.00M |
| 1st FCST Revision |       17.00M |      110.00M |
| FY3/20 Forecast   |       18.00M |      125.00M |
(Software sales units include both packaged and downloadable versions of software.)
| Smart devices, IP related income, etc.|
| 1st Quarter       |           ¥9,097M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |            +0.39% |
| 2nd Quarter       |           ¥9,669M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |            +9.09% |
| 3rd Quarter       |          ¥14,618M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |           +30.80% |
| 4th Quarter       |          ¥12,624M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |           +23.53% |
| First Half        |          ¥18,766M |
| First Half YoY%   |            +4.69% |
| First 3 Quarters  |          ¥33,384M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |           +14.72% |
| FY3/19 Cumulative |          ¥46,008M |
| FY3/19 Cml. YoY%  |           +17.01% |
(Includes income from smart-device content and royalty income.)

Key Indicators and Digital Sales Indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019:

| Proportion of overseas sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  76.6%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  78.7%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  77.7%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  78.7%  |
| 1st Half           |  77.8%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  77.7%  |
| FY3/19 Cumulative  |  77.9%  |
(※ Proportion of overseas(outside of Japan) sales to total sales)
| Proportion of hardware sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  51.7%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  62.4%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  61.2%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  51.1%  |
| 1st Half           |  57.8%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  59.9%  |
| FY3/19 Cumulative  |  58.4%  |
(※ Proportion of hardware(including accessories) sales to total
dedicated videogame platform sales)
| Proportion of first party software sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  82.9%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  71.0%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  89.8%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  80.3%  |
| 1st Half           |  76.8%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  84.6%  |
| FY3/19 Cumulative  |  83.8%  |
(※ Proportion of first-party software sales to total dedicated video
game software sales)
| Digital Sales                  |
| 1st Quarter        |   ¥18.5B  |
| 2nd Quarter        |   ¥20.6B  |
| 3rd Quarter        |   ¥45.0B  |
| 4th Quarter        |   ¥34.6B  |
| 1st Half           |   ¥39.1B  |
| 1st Three Quarters |   ¥84.2B  |
| FY3/19 Cumulative  |  ¥118.8B  |
(※ Digital sales include a) downloadable versions of packaged software,
b) download-only software,c) add-on content and d) Nintendo Switch Online, etc.
* “Downloadable versions of packaged software” indicates the
downloadable version of software that is offered both physically and digitally.)
| Proportion of Digital Sales  |
| 1st Quarter        |  24.2%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  26.0%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  19.6%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  37.2%  |
| 1st Half           |  25.1%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  21.8%  |
| FY3/19 Cumulative  |  24.8%  |
(※ Proportion of digital sales to total dedicated
video game software sales )
| Proportion of DL Ver. of Packaged SW Sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  59.3%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  59.1%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  78.7%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  62.6%  |
| 1st Half           |  59.2%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  69.6%  |
| FY3/19 Cumulative  |  67.6%  |
(※ Proportion of downloadable versions of packaged software sales
to total digital sales as indicated above: a/(a+b+c+d) )

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019:
| Switch Hardware          |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    0.50M |      0.67M |     0.31M |     0.40M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |   -3.85% |    -10.67% |           |           |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   26.60% |     35.64% |    16.49% |    21.28% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    0.64M |      1.33M |     0.88M |     0.34M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  -22.89% |    +13.68% |           |           |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   20.06% |     41.69% |    27.59% |    10.66% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    2.22M |      3.80M |     2.77M |     0.63M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  +25.42% |    +34.75% |           |           |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   23.57% |     40.34% |    29.41% |     6.69% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    0.49M |      1.08M |     0.59M |     0.32M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  -25.76% |    -10.00% |           |           |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   19.92% |     43.90% |    23.98% |    13.01% |
| First Half               |    1.14M |      2.00M |     1.19M |     0.74M |
| First Half YoY%          |  -15.56% |     +4.17% |           |           |
| First Half WW%           |   22.49% |     39.45% |    23.47% |    14.60% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    3.36M |      5.80M |     3.96M |     1.37M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |   +7.69% |    +22.36% |           |           |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   23.19% |     40.03% |    27.33% |     9.45% |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)|    3.85M |      6.88M |     4.55M |     1.69M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative YoY%   |   +7.69% |    +22.36% |           |           |
| FY3/19 Cumulative WW%    |   22.71% |     40.59% |    26.84% |     9.97% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |    8.23M |     14.02M |     9.09M |     3.41M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   23.69% |     40.36% |    26.17% |     9.82% |
| Switch Software          |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    2.95M |      8.37M |     5.24M |     1.41M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |  +89.10% |   +130.58% |           |           |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   16.43% |     46.60% |    29.18% |     7.85% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    4.20M |     11.23M |     7.60M |     1.12M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +49.47% |    +94.63% |           |           |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   17.38% |     46.46% |    31.44% |     4.63% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |   10.03M |     23.88M |    15.02M |     3.59M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         | +120.44% |   +109.66% |           |           |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   19.10% |     45.48% |    28.60% |     6.84% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    4.30M |     10.46M |     7.30M |     1.85M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  +28.74% |    +55.42% |           |           |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   17.98% |     43.75% |    30.53% |     7.74% |
| First Half               |    7.15M |     19.60M |    12.84M |     2.53M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +63.62% |   +108.51% |           |           |
| First Half WW%           |   16.97% |     46.52% |    30.48% |     6.01% |
| First 3 Quarters         |   17.18M |     43.48M |    27.86M |     6.12M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  +92.60% |   +109.14% |           |           |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   18.15% |     45.94% |    29.44% |     6.47% |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)|   21.48M |     53.94M |    35.16M |     7.97M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative YoY%   |  +92.60% |   +109.14% |           |           |
| FY3/19 Cumulative WW%    |   18.12% |     45.50% |    29.66% |     6.72% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |   34.63M |     84.31M |    55.75M |    12.83M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   18.47% |     44.96% |    29.73% |     6.84% |

Million-Seller Nintendo First-Party Titles for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019:

| Nintendo Switch FY Million-Seller Titles                                                  |
| Mario Tennis Aces                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |     0.3M |       1.08M |     1.38M |      1.38M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.16M |       0.62M |     0.78M |      2.16M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.06M |        0.3M |     0.37M |      2.53M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.03M |       0.09M |     0.11M |      2.64M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.55M |       2.09M |     2.64M |      2.64M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   20.83% |      79.17% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze    | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.24M |       1.16M |      1.4M |       1.4M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |       0.25M |     0.27M |      1.67M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |       0.38M |     0.41M |      2.08M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.01M |       0.17M |     0.17M |      2.25M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.29M |       1.96M |     2.25M |      2.25M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   12.89% |      87.11% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       0.96M |     1.13M |     10.35M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.23M |       1.13M |     1.36M |     11.71M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.31M |        3.0M |     3.31M |     15.02M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.18M |       1.48M |     1.67M |     16.69M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.89M |       6.57M |     7.47M |     16.69M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   11.91% |      87.95% |    44.76% |     55.24% |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |     0.2M |       1.61M |     1.81M |     10.28M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       1.23M |      1.4M |     11.68M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.1M |       0.99M |     1.09M |     12.77M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.47M |       3.83M |      4.3M |     12.77M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   10.93% |      89.07% |    33.67% |     66.33% |
| New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe          | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.69M |       2.63M |     3.31M |      3.31M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.69M |       2.63M |     3.31M |      3.31M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   20.85% |      79.46% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Kirby Star Allies                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.33M |       0.83M |     1.16M |      2.42M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.03M |       0.11M |     0.14M |      2.56M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.36M |       0.94M |      1.3M |      2.56M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   27.69% |      72.31% |    50.78% |     49.22% |
| Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker          | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.23M |       0.83M |     1.05M |      1.05M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.01M |       0.11M |     0.13M |      1.18M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.24M |       0.94M |     1.18M |      1.18M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   20.34% |      79.66% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario Party                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    1.05M |       4.25M |      5.3M |       5.3M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       0.93M |      1.1M |       6.4M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    1.22M |       5.18M |      6.4M |       6.4M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   19.06% |      80.94% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Octopath Traveler *                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |     0.0M |       1.08M |     1.08M |      1.08M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.0M |       0.09M |     0.09M |      1.17M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.0M |       1.17M |     1.17M |      1.17M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |     0.0% |      100.0% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
*This title is licensed to be sold as a Nintendo product overseas.
| Super Smash Bros. Ultimate              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    3.17M |       8.92M |    12.08M |     12.08M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.36M |       1.36M |     1.73M |     13.81M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    3.53M |      10.28M |    13.81M |     13.81M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   25.56% |      74.44% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Yoshi's Crafted World                   | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.14M |       0.96M |     1.11M |      1.11M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.14M |       0.96M |     1.11M |      1.11M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   12.61% |      86.49% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit   | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.32M |       0.74M |     1.06M |      1.06M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.01M |       0.02M |     0.03M |      1.09M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.33M |       0.76M |     1.09M |      1.09M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   30.28% |      69.72% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Splatoon 2                              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.47M |       0.98M |     1.45M |      7.47M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.25M |       0.55M |      0.8M |      8.27M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.11M |       0.33M |     0.44M |       8.7M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.83M |       1.86M |     2.69M |       8.7M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   30.86% |      69.14% |    30.92% |     69.08% |
| Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee         | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    1.85M |       8.16M |     10.0M |      10.0M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.08M |       0.54M |     0.63M |     10.63M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    1.93M |        8.7M |    10.63M |     10.63M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   18.16% |      81.84% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario Odyssey                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.15M |       1.62M |     1.76M |     12.17M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.14M |       1.44M |     1.59M |     13.76M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.05M |       0.64M |     0.69M |     14.44M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.34M |        3.7M |     4.04M |     14.44M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    8.42% |      91.58% |    27.98% |     72.02% |

Top Selling Title Sales Units for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019:

| Switch - Top Selling Titles (No Ranking) |   Units   |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.13M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     1.36M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     3.31M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.67M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     7.47M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    16.69M |
| Super Mario Odyssey                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.76M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |      1.0M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.59M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.68M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     4.03M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    14.44M |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.84M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.96M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      1.4M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.09M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     4.29M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    12.77M |
| Splatoon 2                               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.74M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.71M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      0.8M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.43M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     2.68M |
| Life-To-Date                             |      8.7M |
| Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze     |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |      1.4M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.27M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     1.67M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     1.67M |
| Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee           |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     10.0M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.63M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |    10.63M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    10.63M |
| New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe           |           |
| 4th Quarter                              |     3.31M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     3.31M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     3.31M |
| Super Mario Party                        |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      5.3M |
| 4th Quarter                              |      1.1M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |      6.4M |
| Life-To-Date                             |      6.4M |
| Super Smash Bros. Ultimate               |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |    12.08M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.73M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |    13.81M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    13.81M |
| 1-2-Switch                               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.16M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.19M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.22M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.11M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     0.68M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     2.97M |
| Mario Tennis Aces                        |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.38M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.78M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.37M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.11M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     2.64M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     2.64M |
| ARMS                                     |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.16M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.09M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     0.25M |
| Life-To-Date                             |      2.1M |
| Kirby Star Allies                        |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.63M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.21M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.32M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     1.16M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     2.42M |
| Xenoblade Chronicles 2                   |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.11M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.11M |
| FY3/19 Cumulative                        |     0.22M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     1.53M |
Last edited:

Q1 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190730e.pdf
Q1 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190730_2e.pdf
Q2 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/191031e.pdf
Q2 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/191031_3e.pdf
Q3 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/200130e.pdf
Q3 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/200130_3e.pdf
Q4 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/200507e.pdf
Q4 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/200507_3e.pdf


Consolidated operating results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:

| Nintendo Co., Ltd.| Net Sales   | Operating Income | Op. Margin | Net Profit |
| 1st Quarter       |   ¥172,111M |         ¥27,428M |     15.94% |   ¥16,604M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |      +2.35% |          -10.18% |            |    -45.74% |
| 2nd Quarter       |   ¥271,856M |         ¥66,794M |     24.57% |   ¥45,414M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |     +23.15% |         +116.37% |            |    +33.66% |
| 3rd Quarter       |   ¥578,701M |        ¥168,708M |     29.15% |  ¥134,371M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |      -4.88% |           +6.36% |            |    +28.94% |
| 4th Quarter       |   ¥285,851M |         ¥89,440M |     31.29% |   ¥62,252M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |     +40.63% |         +201.43% |            |   +146.80% |
| First Half        |   ¥443,967M |         ¥94,222M |     21.22% |   ¥62,018M |
| First Half YoY%   |     +14.16% |          +53.44% |            |     -3.96% |
| First 3 Quarters  | ¥1,022,668M |        ¥262,930M |     25.71% |  ¥196,389M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |      +2.54% |          +19.50% |            |    +16.35% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative | ¥1,308,519M |        ¥352,370M |     26.93% |  ¥258,641M |
| FY3/20 Cml. YoY%  |      +8.99% |          +41.12% |            |    +33.31% |
| FY3/20 Forecast   | ¥1,250,000M |        ¥260,000M |     20.80% |  ¥180,000M |
| 1st FCST Revision | ¥1,250,000M |        ¥300,000M |     24.00% |  ¥210,000M |
| FY3/21 Forecast   | ¥1,200,000M |        ¥300,000M |     20.80% |  ¥200,000M |

Consolidated sales units, sales units forecast and sales information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:

| Switch (units)    |  Switch  |Switch Lite|Hardware Total|Software Total|
| 1st Quarter       |    2.13M |           |        2.13M |       22.62M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |  +13.30% |           |      +13.30% |      +25.95% |
| 2nd Quarter       |    2.85M |     1.95M |        4.80M |       35.87M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |  -10.66% |           |      +50.47% |      +48.41% |
| 3rd Quarter       |    7.58M |     3.24M |       10.81M |       64.64M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |  -19.53% |           |      +14.76% |      +23.10% |
| 4th Quarter       |    2.27M |     1.00M |        3.29M |       45.59M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |   -7.72% |           |      +33.74% |      +90.67% |
| First Half        |    4.98M |     1.95M |        6.93M |       58.49M |
| First Half YoY%   |   -1.78% |           |      +36.69% |      +38.83% |
| First 3 Quarters  |   12.56M |     5.19M |       17.74M |      123.13M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |  -13.32% |           |      +22.43% |      +30.10% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative |   14.83M |     6.19M |       21.03M |      168.72M |
| FY3/20 Cml. YoY%  |  -12.51% |           |      +24.07% |      +42.32% |
| Life-To-Date      |   49.57M |     6.19M |       55.77M |      356.24M |
| FY3/20 Forecast   |                      |       18.00M |      125.00M |
| 1st FCST Revision |                      |       19.50M |      140.00M |
| FY3/21 Forecast   |                      |       19.00M |      140.00M |
(Software sales units include both packaged and downloadable versions of software.)
| Smart devices, IP related income, etc.|
| 1st Quarter       |          ¥10,005M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |            +9.98% |
| 2nd Quarter       |           ¥9,959M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |            +3.00% |
| 3rd Quarter       |          ¥16,946M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |           +15.93% |
| 4th Quarter       |          ¥14,385M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |           +13.95% |
| First Half        |          ¥19,964M |
| First Half YoY%   |            +6.38% |
| First 3 Quarters  |          ¥36,910M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |           +10.56% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative |          ¥51,295M |
| FY3/20 Cml. YoY%  |           +11.49% |
(Includes income from smart-device content and royalty income.)

Key Indicators and Digital Sales Indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:

| Proportion of overseas sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  76.5%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  76.9%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  78.6%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  74.0%  |
| 1st Half           |  76.8%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  77.8%  |
| FY3/20 Cumulative  |  77.0%  |
(※ Proportion of overseas(outside of Japan) sales to total sales)
| Proportion of hardware sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  50.5%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  54.9%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  57.4%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  39.6%  |
| 1st Half           |  53.2%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  55.6%  |
| FY3/20 Cumulative  |  52.2%  |
(※ Proportion of hardware(including accessories) sales to total
dedicated videogame platform sales)
| Proportion of first party software sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  74.1%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  76.0%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  87.4%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  85.1%  |
| 1st Half           |  75.2%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  82.0%  |
| FY3/20 Cumulative  |  82.8%  |
(※ Proportion of first-party software sales to total dedicated video
game software sales)
| Digital Sales                  |
| 1st Quarter        |   ¥30.6B  |
| 2nd Quarter        |   ¥40.9B  |
| 3rd Quarter        |   ¥53.2B  |
| 4th Quarter        |   ¥79.2B  |
| 1st Half           |   ¥71.6B  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  ¥124.9B  |
| FY3/20 Cumulative  |  ¥204.1B  |
(※ Digital sales include a) downloadable versions of packaged software,
b) download-only software,c) add-on content and d) Nintendo Switch Online, etc.
* "Downloadable versions of packaged software" indicates the
downloadable version of software that is offered both physically and digitally.)
| Proportion of Digital Sales  |
| 1st Quarter        |  38.3%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  34.8%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  22.3%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  48.5%  |
| 1st Half           |  36.2%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  28.6%  |
| FY3/20 Cumulative  |  34.0%  |
(※ Proportion of digital sales to total dedicated
video game software sales )
| Proportion of DL Ver. of Packaged SW Sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  56.4%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  64.5%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  71.7%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  76.9%  |
| 1st Half           |  61.0%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  65.6%  |
| FY3/20 Cumulative  |  70.0%  |
(※ Proportion of downloadable versions of packaged software sales
to total digital sales as indicated above: a/(a+b+c+d) )

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:
*Due to the 40k character limit on posts, the table for this data is linked here:

Million-Seller Nintendo First-Party Titles for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:

| Nintendo Switch FY Million-Seller Titles                                                  |
| Super Mario Maker 2                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.52M |        1.9M |     2.42M |      2.42M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.36M |       1.15M |     1.51M |      3.93M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.24M |       0.87M |     1.11M |      5.04M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.04M |        0.4M |     0.44M |      5.48M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    1.16M |       4.32M |     5.48M |      5.48M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   21.17% |      78.83% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening   | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.35M |       2.78M |     3.13M |      3.13M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.07M |       0.99M |     1.06M |      4.19M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.01M |       0.18M |     0.19M |      4.38M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.43M |       3.95M |     4.38M |      4.38M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    9.82% |      90.18% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       1.03M |      1.2M |     17.89M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       0.96M |     1.12M |     19.01M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.34M |        3.6M |     3.95M |     22.96M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.25M |       1.56M |     1.81M |     24.77M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.93M |       7.15M |     8.08M |     24.77M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   11.51% |      88.49% |    32.62% |     67.38% |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.22M |       1.54M |     1.76M |     14.54M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.13M |       1.67M |      1.8M |     16.34M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.1M |       0.97M |     1.08M |     17.41M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.45M |       4.18M |     4.64M |     17.41M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |     9.7% |      90.09% |    26.65% |     73.35% |
| New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe          | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       1.11M |     1.28M |      4.59M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.09M |       1.17M |     1.26M |      5.85M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.07M |       0.68M |     0.75M |       6.6M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.33M |       2.96M |     3.29M |       6.6M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   10.03% |      89.97% |    49.85% |     50.15% |
| Astral Chain                            | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.13M |       0.87M |     1.03M |      1.03M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.03M |       0.04M |     0.05M |      1.08M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.16M |       0.91M |     1.08M |      1.08M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   14.81% |      84.26% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Ring Fit Adventure                      | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.63M |       1.54M |     2.17M |      2.17M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.26M |        0.3M |     0.56M |      2.73M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.89M |       1.84M |     2.73M |      2.73M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    32.6% |       67.4% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario Party                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.18M |       1.02M |      1.2M |      7.59M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.28M |       1.24M |     1.52M |      9.12M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.16M |       0.83M |     0.98M |      10.1M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.62M |       3.09M |      3.7M |      10.1M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   16.76% |      83.51% |    36.63% |     63.37% |
| Pokémon Sword/Shield                    | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    4.21M |      11.85M |    16.06M |     16.06M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.31M |        1.0M |     1.31M |     17.37M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    4.52M |      12.85M |    17.37M |     17.37M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   26.02% |      73.98% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Smash Bros. Ultimate              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.37M |       1.53M |      1.9M |     15.71M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.32M |       1.65M |     1.97M |     17.68M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.21M |       0.95M |     1.16M |     18.84M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.9M |       4.13M |     5.03M |     18.84M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   17.89% |      82.11% |     26.7% |      73.3% |
| Luigi's Mansion 3                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.73M |       4.65M |     5.37M |      5.37M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.1M |       0.85M |     0.96M |      6.33M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.83M |        5.5M |     6.33M |      6.33M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   13.11% |      86.89% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.04M |       0.98M |     1.03M |      1.03M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.0M |       0.06M |     0.05M |      1.08M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.04M |       1.04M |     1.08M |      1.08M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |     3.7% |       96.3% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Splatoon 2                              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.34M |       0.76M |      1.1M |      9.81M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.11M |       0.22M |     0.33M |     10.13M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.45M |       0.98M |     1.43M |     10.13M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   31.47% |      68.53% |    14.12% |     85.88% |
| Fire Emblem: Three Houses               | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.48M |       1.82M |     2.29M |      2.29M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.05M |       0.22M |     0.29M |      2.58M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.05M |       0.25M |     0.29M |      2.87M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.58M |       2.29M |     2.87M |      2.87M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   20.21% |      79.79% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee         | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.12M |        1.0M |     1.13M |     11.76M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |        0.2M |     0.21M |     11.97M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.14M |        1.2M |     1.34M |     11.97M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   10.45% |      89.55% |    11.19% |     88.81% |
| Super Mario Odyssey                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.16M |       1.99M |     2.15M |     16.59M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.05M |       0.76M |     0.82M |     17.41M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.21M |       2.75M |    2.97M |      17.41M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    7.07% |      92.59% |    17.06% |     82.94% |
| Animal Crossing: New Horizons           | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    3.84M |       7.93M |    11.77M |     11.77M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    3.84M |       7.93M |    11.77M |     11.77M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   32.63% |      67.37% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.36M |       0.89M |     1.26M |      1.26M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.36M |       0.89M |     1.26M |      1.26M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   28.57% |      70.63% |    100.0% |       0.0% |

Top Selling Title Sales Units for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:

| Switch - Top Selling Titles (No Ranking) |   Units   |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |      1.2M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     1.12M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     3.95M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.81M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     8.08M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    24.77M |
| Super Mario Odyssey                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |      0.5M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.44M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.21M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.82M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     2.97M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    17.41M |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.84M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.93M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      1.8M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.07M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     4.64M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    17.41M |
| Splatoon 2                               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.32M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.26M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.53M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.32M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     1.43M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    10.13M |
| Animal Crossing: New Horizons            |           |
| 4th Quarter                              |    11.77M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |    11.77M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    11.77M |
| Pokémon Sword/Shield                     |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |    16.06M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.31M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |    17.37M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    17.37M |
| Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee           |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.35M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |      0.3M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.48M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.21M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     1.34M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    11.97M |
| New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe           |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.79M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.49M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.26M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.75M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     3.29M |
| Life-To-Date                             |      6.6M |
| Super Mario Party                        |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.59M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |      0.6M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.53M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.98M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |      3.7M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     10.1M |
| Super Smash Bros. Ultimate               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.92M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.98M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.97M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.16M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     5.03M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    18.84M |
| 1-2-Switch                               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.04M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     0.04M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     3.01M |
| Mario Tennis Aces                        |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.11M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     0.11M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     2.75M |
| The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening    |           |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     3.13M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     3.13M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     3.13M |
| Super Mario Maker 2                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     2.42M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     1.51M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     3.93M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     3.93M |
| Luigi's Mansion 3                        |           |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     5.37M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative                        |     5.37M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     5.37M |
Last edited:

Q1 Earnings release:
Q1 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/200806_2e.pdf
Q2 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/201105e.pdf
Q2 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2020/201105_5e.pdf
Q3 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/210201e.pdf
Q3 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/210201_4e.pdf
Q4 Earnings release: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/210506e.pdf
Q4 Supplementary information: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2021/210506_4e.pdf


Consolidated operating results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
| Nintendo Co., Ltd.| Net Sales   | Operating Income | Op. Margin | Net Profit |
| 1st Quarter       |   ¥358,106M |        ¥144,737M |     40.42% |  ¥106,482M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |    +108.07% |         +427.70% |            |   +541.30% |
| 2nd Quarter       |   ¥411,418M |        ¥146,687M |     35.65% |  ¥106,641M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |     +51.34% |         +119.61% |            |   +134.82% |
| 3rd Quarter       |   ¥634,939M |        ¥229,684M |     36.17% |  ¥163,542M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |      +9.72% |          +36.14% |            |    +21.71% |
| 4th Quarter       |   ¥354,447M |        ¥119,526M |     33.72% |  ¥103,711M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |     +24.00% |          +33.64% |            |    +66.60% |
| First Half        |   ¥769,524M |        ¥291,424M |     37.87% |  ¥213,123M |
| First Half YoY%   |     +73.33% |         +209.30% |            |   +243.65% |
| First 3 Quarters  | ¥1,404,463M |        ¥521,108M |     37.10% |  ¥376,665M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |     +37.33% |          +98.19% |            |    +91.80% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative | ¥1,758,910M |        ¥640,634M |     36.42% |  ¥480,376M |
| FY3/21 Cml. YoY%  |     +34.42% |          +81.81% |            |    +85.73% |
| FY3/21 Forecast   | ¥1,200,000M |        ¥300,000M |     25.00% |  ¥200,000M |
| 1st FCST Revision | ¥1,400,000M |        ¥450,000M |     32.14% |  ¥300,000M |
| 2nd FCST Revision | ¥1,600,000M |        ¥560,000M |     35.00% |  ¥400,000M |
| FY3/22 Forecast   | ¥1,600,000M |        ¥500,000M |     25.00% |  ¥340,000M |

Consolidated sales units, sales units forecast and sales information for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
| Switch (units)    |  Switch  |Switch Lite|Hardware Total|Software Total|
| 1st Quarter       |    3.05M |     2.62M |        5.68M |       50.43M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |  +43.19% |           |     +166.67% |     +122.94% |
| 2nd Quarter       |    5.31M |     1.55M |        6.85M |       49.82M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |  +86.32% |   -20.51% |      +42.71% |      +38.89% |
| 3rd Quarter       |    8.41M |     3.16M |       11.57M |       75.85M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |  +10.95% |    -2.47% |       +7.03% |      +17.34% |
| 4th Quarter       |    3.55M |     1.18M |        4.73M |       54.78M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |  +56.39% |   +18.00% |      +43.77% |      +20.16% |
| First Half        |    8.36M |     4.17M |       12.53M |      100.25M |
| First Half YoY%   |  +67.87% |   +41.36% |      +80.81% |      +71.40% |
| First 3 Quarters  |   16.77M |     7.33M |       24.10M |      176.10M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |  +33.52% |   +18.42% |      +35.85% |      +43.02% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative |   20.32M |     8.51M |       28.83M |      230.88M |
| FY3/21 Cml. YoY%  |  +37.02% |   +37.48% |      +37.09% |      +36.84% |
| Life-To-Date      |   69.89M |    14.70M |       84.60M |      587.12M |
| FY3/21 Forecast   |                      |       19.00M |      140.00M |
| 1st FCST Revision |                      |       24.00M |      170.00M |
| 2nd FCST Revision |                      |       26.50M |      205.00M |
| FY3/22 Forecast   |                      |       25.50M |      190.00M |
(Software sales units include both packaged and downloadable versions of software.)
| Smart devices, IP related income, etc.|
| 1st Quarter       |          ¥13,278M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%  |           +32.71% |
| 2nd Quarter       |          ¥13,449M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%  |           +35.04% |
| 3rd Quarter       |          ¥15,284M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%  |            -9.81% |
| 4th Quarter       |          ¥15,069M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%  |            +4.75% |
| First Half        |          ¥26,727M |
| First Half YoY%   |           +33.88% |
| First 3 Quarters  |          ¥42,011M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY% |           +13.82% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative |          ¥57,080M |
| FY3/21 Cml. YoY%  |           +11.28% |
(Includes income from smart-device content and royalty income.)

Key Indicators and Digital Sales Indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
| Proportion of overseas sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  76.3%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  78.6%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  77.7%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  76.6%  |
| 1st Half           |  77.5%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  77.6%  |
| FY3/21 Cumulative  |  77.4%  |
(※ Proportion of overseas(outside of Japan) sales to total sales)
| Proportion of hardware sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  47.2%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  54.4%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  57.5%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  47.6%  |
| 1st Half           |  51.1%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  54.0%  |
| FY3/21 Cumulative  |  52.7%  |
(※ Proportion of hardware(including accessories) sales to total
dedicated videogame platform sales)
| Proportion of first party software sales |
| 1st Quarter        |  82.5%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  81.2%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  81.1%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  71.7%  |
| 1st Half           |  81.9%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  81.6%  |
| FY3/21 Cumulative  |  79.4%  |
(※ Proportion of first-party software sales to total dedicated video
game software sales)
| Digital Sales                  |
| 1st Quarter        |  ¥101.0B  |
| 2nd Quarter        |   ¥70.4B  |
| 3rd Quarter        |   ¥84.4B  |
| 4th Quarter        |   ¥88.1B  |
| 1st Half           |  ¥171.5B  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  ¥256.0B  |
| FY3/21 Cumulative  |  ¥344.1B  |
(※ Digital sales include a) downloadable versions of packaged software,
b) download-only software,c) add-on content and d) Nintendo Switch Online, etc.
* "Downloadable versions of packaged software" indicates the
downloadable version of software that is offered both physically and digitally.)
| Proportion of Digital Sales  |
| 1st Quarter        |  55.6%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  38.9%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  32.1%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  49.6%  |
| 1st Half           |  47.2%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  40.9%  |
| FY3/21 Cumulative  |  42.8%  |
(※ Proportion of digital sales to total dedicated
video game software sales )
|Proportion of DL Ver. of Packaged SW Sales|
| 1st Quarter        |  67.7%  |
| 2nd Quarter        |  57.8%  |
| 3rd Quarter        |  48.6%  |
| 4th Quarter        |  60.9%  |
| 1st Half           |  63.6%  |
| 1st Three Quarters |  58.7%  |
| FY3/21 Cumulative  |  59.3%  |
(※ Proportion of downloadable versions of packaged software sales
to total digital sales as indicated above: a/(a+b+c+d) )

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
*Due to the 40k character limit on posts, the table for this data is linked here:

Million-Seller Nintendo First-Party Titles for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
| Nintendo Switch FY Million-Seller Titles                                                  |
| Super Mario Maker 2                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.24M |       1.19M |     1.43M |      6.91M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.03M |       0.22M |     0.25M |      7.15M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.27M |       1.41M |     1.67M |      7.15M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   16.17% |      84.43% |    23.36% |     76.64% |
| Paper Mario: The Origami King           | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.43M |       2.39M |     2.82M |      2.82M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.04M |       0.18M |     0.23M |      3.05M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.01M |       0.07M |     0.08M |      3.12M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.48M |       2.64M |     3.12M |      3.12M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   15.38% |      84.62% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.28M |       1.69M |     1.97M |     26.74M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.26M |       1.98M |     2.24M |     28.99M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.49M |       3.94M |     4.43M |     33.41M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.27M |       1.71M |     1.98M |     35.39M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |     1.3M |       9.32M |    10.62M |     35.39M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   12.24% |      87.76% |    30.01% |     69.99% |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |     0.1M |       1.08M |     1.19M |      18.6M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |     0.1M |       1.04M |     1.13M |     19.74M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.16M |       1.56M |     1.72M |     21.45M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.13M |       0.69M |     0.82M |     22.28M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.49M |       4.37M |     4.86M |     22.28M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   10.08% |      89.92% |    21.81% |     78.19% |
| New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe          | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.11M |        1.6M |     1.72M |      8.32M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.13M |       1.38M |      1.5M |      9.82M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.05M |       0.57M |     0.62M |     10.44M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.29M |       3.55M |     3.84M |     10.44M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    7.55% |      92.45% |    36.78% |     63.22% |
| Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition| FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.28M |       1.04M |     1.32M |      1.32M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |       0.06M |     0.08M |       1.4M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |       0.06M |     0.08M |      1.48M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |       0.03M |     0.05M |      1.52M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.34M |       1.19M |     1.52M |      1.52M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   22.37% |      78.29% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Ring Fit Adventure                      | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.42M |       0.75M |     1.17M |       3.9M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.49M |       1.45M |     1.94M |      5.84M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.67M |       2.17M |     2.84M |      8.68M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.34M |       2.17M |     2.84M |      8.68M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    1.92M |       5.46M |     7.38M |     10.11M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   26.02% |      73.98% |     73.0% |      27.0% |
| Super Mario Party                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.23M |       1.77M |      2.0M |      12.1M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.28M |       1.44M |     1.72M |     13.82M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.10M |       0.87M |     0.97M |     14.79M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.61M |       4.08M |     4.69M |     14.79M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   13.01% |      86.99% |    31.71% |     68.29% |
| Pokémon Sword/Shield                    | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.25M |        1.4M |     1.65M |     19.02M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.22M |        1.1M |     1.33M |     20.35M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.15M |       0.61M |     0.76M |      21.1M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.62M |       3.11M |     3.73M |      21.1M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   16.62% |      83.38% |    17.68% |     82.32% |
| Super Smash Bros. Ultimate              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.21M |       0.94M |     1.15M |     19.99M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.18M |       0.93M |     1.11M |      21.1M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.35M |        1.4M |     1.75M |     22.85M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.24M |       0.76M |      1.0M |     23.84M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.98M |       4.03M |     5.01M |     23.84M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   19.56% |      80.44% |    21.02% |     78.98% |
| Luigi's Mansion 3                       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.09M |       1.42M |     1.51M |      7.83M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.06M |       1.24M |      1.3M |      9.13M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.02M |       0.43M |     0.45M |      9.59M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.17M |       3.09M |     3.26M |      9.59M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    5.21% |      94.79% |    33.99% |     66.01% |
| 51 Worldwide Games                      | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    0.44M |        0.6M |     1.03M |      1.03M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.36M |       0.41M |     0.78M |      1.81M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.23M |       0.59M |     0.81M |      2.62M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.17M |       0.33M |     0.50M |      3.14M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |     1.2M |       1.93M |     3.14M |      3.14M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   38.22% |      61.46% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Splatoon 2                              | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.46M |       0.68M |     1.13M |     11.27M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |     0.2M |       0.43M |     0.64M |      11.9M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.14M |       0.17M |     0.31M |      12.21M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.8M |       1.28M |     2.08M |    12.21M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   38.46% |      61.54% |    17.04% |     82.96% |
| Pikmin 3 Deluxe                         | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.82M |       1.12M |     1.94M |      1.94M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.04M |       0.06M |     0.10M |      2.04M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.86M |       1.18M |     2.04M |      2.04M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   42.16% |      57.84% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario 3D All-Stars                | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.75M |       4.46M |     5.21M |      5.21M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.13M |       2.98M |     3.11M |      8.32M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.06M |       0.63M |     0.69M |      9.01M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.94M |       8.07M |     9.01M |      9.01M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   10.43% |      89.57% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario Odyssey                     | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.07M |       1.51M |     1.58M |     18.99M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.09M |       1.14M |     1.23M |     20.23M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.4M |       0.57M |     0.61M |     20.83M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.2M |       3.22M |     3.73M |     20.83M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    5.36% |      86.33% |    17.91% |     82.09% |
| Animal Crossing: New Horizons           | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 1st Quarter (Units)                     |    3.31M |       7.32M |    10.63M |      22.4M |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)                     |    1.03M |       2.61M |     3.64M |     26.04M |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    1.01M |       4.12M |     5.14M |     31.18M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.18M |       1.27M |     1.45M |     32.63M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    5.53M |      15.32M |    20.85M |     32.63M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   26.52% |      73.48% |     63.9% |      36.1% |
| Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity*       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |     0.0M |       2.84M |     2.84M |      2.84M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |     0.0M |       0.23M |     0.23M |      3.07M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |     0.0M |       3.07M |     3.07M |      3.07M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |     0.0% |      100.0% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
*This title is licensed to be sold as a Nintendo product overseas.
| Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee!       | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.08M |       0.95M |     1.03M |      13.0M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.00M |       0.28M |     0.28M |      13.0M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.08M |       1.23M |     1.31M |     13.28M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |    6.11% |      93.89% |     9.86% |     90.14% |
| Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit           | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)                     |    0.21M |       0.87M |     1.08M |      1.08M |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.00M |       0.19M |     0.19M |      1.08M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.21M |       1.06M |     1.27M |      1.27M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   16.54% |      83.46% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| Super Mario 3D World + Boswer's Fury    | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.86M |       4.73M |     5.59M |      5.59M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.86M |       4.73M |     5.59M |      5.59M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |   15.38% |      84.62% |    100.0% |       0.0% |
| The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening   | FY Japan | FY Overseas | FY Global | Global LTD |
| 4th Quarter (Units)                     |    0.04M |       1.07M |     1.11M |      5.49M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)               |    0.04M |       1.07M |     1.11M |      5.49M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative JP/O%, Global FY/LTD% |     3.6% |       96.4% |    20.22% |     79.78% |

Top Selling Title Sales Units for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
| Switch - Top Selling Titles (No Ranking) |   Units   |
| Mario Kart 8 Deluxe                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.97M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     2.25M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     4.42M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.98M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |    10.62M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    35.39M |
| Super Mario Odyssey                      |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.65M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.93M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.24M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.60M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     3.42M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    20.83M |
| The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.19M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     1.14M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.71M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.83M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     4.87M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    22.28M |
| Splatoon 2                               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.58M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.56M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.63M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.31M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     2.08M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    12.21M |
| Animal Crossing: New Horizons            |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |    10.63M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     3.64M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     5.14M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     1.45M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |    20.86M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    32.63M |
| Pokémon Sword/Shield                     |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.85M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |      0.8M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.33M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.75M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     3.73M |
| Life-To-Date                             |     21.1M |
| Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee           |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.23M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.29M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     0.51M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.28M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     1.31M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    13.28M |
| New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe           |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.84M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     0.88M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |      1.5M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.62M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     3.84M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    10.44M |
| Super Mario Party                        |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     0.84M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     1.16M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.72M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.97M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |     4.69M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    14.79M |
| Super Smash Bros. Ultimate               |           |
| 1st Quarter                              |     1.15M |
| 2nd Quarter                              |     1.11M |
| 3rd Quarter                              |     1.75M |
| 4th Quarter                              |     0.99M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative                        |      5.0M |
| Life-To-Date                             |    23.84M |
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Why I am having to reserve so many posts
Random trivia
Random trivia:

Switch had 12 million-seller titles, 9 were first-party titles.

Switch had 23 million-seller titles, 15 were first-party titles.

Switch had 27 million-seller titles, 18 were first-party titles.

Switch had 36 million-seller titles, 22 were first-party titles.
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Data so large it had to fit in a separate post
The following data is in this separate post due to the 40k character limit.

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020:
| Switch                   |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    0.53M |      0.82M |     0.50M |     0.28M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |   +6.00% |    +22.39% |   +61.29% |   -30.00% |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   24.88% |     38.50% |    23.47% |    13.15% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    0.85M |      1.01M |     0.73M |     0.26M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +32.81% |    -24.06% |   -17.05% |   -23.53% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   29.82% |     35.44% |    25.61% |     9.12% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    1.45M |      2.93M |     2.28M |     0.92M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  -34.68% |    -22.89% |   -17.69% |   +46.03% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   19.13% |     38.65% |    30.08% |    12.14% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    0.38M |      1.02M |     0.49M |     0.39M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  -22.45% |     -5.56% |   -16.95% |   +21.88% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   16.74% |     44.93% |    21.59% |    17.18% |
| First Half               |    1.38M |      1.83M |     1.23M |     0.54M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +21.05% |     -8.50% |    +3.36% |   -27.03% |
| First Half WW%           |   27.71% |     36.75% |    24.70% |    10.84% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    2.83M |      4.76M |     3.51M |     1.46M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  -15.77% |    -17.93% |   -11.36% |    +6.57% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   22.53% |     37.90% |    27.95% |    11.62% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)|    3.21M |      5.78M |     4.00M |     1.85M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative YoY%   |  -15.77% |    -17.93% |   -11.36% |    +6.57% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative WW%    |   21.65% |     38.98% |    26.97% |    12.47% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |    7.06M |     19.79M |    13.10M |     5.25M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   14.24% |     39.92% |    26.43% |    10.59% |
| Switch Lite              |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    0.39M |      0.80M |     0.54M |     0.22M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |          |            |           |           |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   20.10% |     41.24% |    27.84% |    11.34% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    0.97M |      1.29M |     0.74M |     0.24M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |          |            |           |           |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   29.94% |     39.81% |    22.84% |     7.41% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    0.64M |      0.24M |     0.06M |     0.07M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |          |            |           |           |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   64.00% |     24.00% |     6.00% |     7.00% |
| First Half               |    0.39M |      0.80M |     0.54M |     0.22M |
| First Half YoY%          |          |            |           |           |
| First Half WW%           |   20.00% |     41.03% |    27.69% |    11.28% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    1.36M |      2.09M |     1.28M |     0.46M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |          |            |           |           |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   26.20% |     40.27% |    24.66% |     8.86% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)|    2.00M |      2.33M |     1.34M |     0.53M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative YoY%   |          |            |           |           |
| FY3/20 Cumulative WW%    |   32.31% |     37.64% |    21.65% |     8.56% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |    2.00M |      2.33M |     1.34M |     0.53M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   32.31% |     37.64% |    21.65% |     8.56% |
| Switch Hardware          |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    0.53M |      0.82M |     0.50M |     0.28M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |   +6.00% |    +22.39% |   +61.29% |   -30.00% |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   24.88% |     38.50% |    23.47% |    13.15% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    1.24M |      1.81M |     1.27M |     0.48M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +93.75% |    +36.09% |   +44.32% |   +41.18% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   25.83% |     37.71% |    26.46% |    10.00% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    2.42M |      4.22M |     3.02M |     1.16M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |   +9.01% |    +11.05% |    +9.03% |   +84.13% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   22.39% |     39.04% |    27.94% |    10.73% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    1.02M |      1.26M |     0.55M |     0.45M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         | +108.16% |    +16.67% |    -6.78% |   +40.63% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   31.00% |     38.30% |    16.72% |    13.68% |
| First Half               |    1.77M |      2.63M |     1.77M |     0.76M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +55.26% |    +31.50% |   +48.74% |    +2.70% |
| First Half WW%           |   25.54% |     37.95% |    25.54% |    10.97% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    4.19M |      6.85M |     4.79M |     1.92M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  +24.70% |    +18.10% |   +20.96% |   +40.15% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   23.62% |     38.61% |    27.00% |    10.82% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)|    5.21M |      8.11M |     5.34M |     2.37M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative YoY%   |  +24.70% |    +18.10% |   +20.96% |   +40.15% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative WW%    |   24.77% |     38.56% |    25.39% |    11.27% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |   13.44M |     22.12M |    14.44M |     5.78M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   24.10% |     39.66% |    25.89% |    10.36% |
| Switch Software          |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    4.41M |     10.16M |     6.72M |     1.33M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |  +49.49% |    +21.39% |   +28.24% |    -5.67% |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   19.50% |     44.92% |    29.71% |     5.88% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    5.89M |     15.75M |    11.96M |     2.27M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +40.24% |    +40.25% |   +57.37% |  +102.68% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   16.42% |     43.91% |    33.34% |     6.33% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |   12.41M |     28.41M |    19.58M |     4.25M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  +23.73% |    +18.97% |   +30.36% |   +18.38% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   19.20% |     43.95% |    30.29% |     6.57% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    9.85M |     19.96M |    11.91M |     3.86M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         | +129.07% |    +90.82% |   +63.15% |  +108.65% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   21.61% |     43.78% |    26.12% |     8.47% |
| First Half               |   10.30M |     25.91M |    18.68M |     3.60M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +44.06% |    +32.19% |   +45.48% |   +42.29% |
| First Half WW%           |   17.61% |     44.30% |    31.94% |     6.15% |
| First 3 Quarters         |   22.71M |     54.32M |    38.26M |     7.85M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  +32.19% |    +24.93% |   +37.33% |   +28.27% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   18.44% |     44.12% |    31.07% |     6.38% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative (Units)|   32.56M |     74.28M |    50.17M |    11.71M |
| FY3/20 Cumulative YoY%   |  +32.19% |    +24.93% |   +37.33% |   +28.27% |
| FY3/20 Cumulative WW%    |   19.30% |     44.03% |    29.74% |     6.94% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |   67.20M |    158.59M |   105.91M |    24.53M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   18.86% |     44.52% |    29.73% |     6.89% |

Geographical Sales Units and Percentages Breakdown for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021:
| Switch                   |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    0.79M |      0.71M |     0.83M |     0.73M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |  +49.06% |    -13.41% |   +66.00% |  +160.71% |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   25.90% |     23.28% |    27.21% |    23.93% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    1.14M |      1.88M |     1.33M |     0.95M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +34.12% |    +86.14% |   +82.19% |  +265.38% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   21.47% |     35.40% |    25.05% |    17.89% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    2.09M |      3.01M |     2.10M |     1.21M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  +44.14% |     +2.73% |    -7.89% |   +31.52% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   24.85% |     35.79% |    24.97% |    14.39% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    0.76M |      1.47M |     0.76M |     0.56M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         | +100.00% |    +44.12% |   +55.10% |   +43.59% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   21.41% |     41.41% |    21.41% |    15.77% |
| First Half               |    1.93M |      2.59M |     2.16M |     1.68M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +39.86% |    +41.53% |   +75.61% |  +211.11% |
| First Half WW%           |   23.09% |     30.98% |    25.84% |    20.10% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    4.02M |      5.60M |     4.26M |     2.89M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  +42.05% |    +17.65% |   +21.37% |   +97.95% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   23.97% |     33.39% |    25.40% |    17.23% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)|    4.78M |      7.07M |     5.02M |     3.45M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative YoY%   |  +42.05% |    +17.65% |   +21.37% |   +97.95% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative WW%    |   23.52% |     34.79% |    24.70% |    16.98% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |   16.22M |     26.86M |    18.10M |     8.70M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   23.20% |     38.43% |    25.89% |    12.45% |
| Switch Lite              |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    0.36M |      1.28M |     0.79M |     0.20M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         |          |            |           |           |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   13.74% |     48.85% |    30.15% |     7.63% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    0.44M |      0.59M |     0.35M |     0.16M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +12.82% |    -26.25% |   -35.19% |   -27.27% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   28.39% |     38.06% |    22.58% |    10.32% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    0.62M |      1.58M |     0.88M |     0.09M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  -36.08% |    +22.48% |   +18.92% |   -62.50% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   19.62% |     50.00% |    27.85% |     2.85% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    0.39M |      0.64M |     0.11M |     0.03M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  -62.14% |   +166.67% |   +83.33% |   -57.14% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   33.05% |     54.24% |     9.32% |     2.54% |
| First Half               |    0.80M |      1.87M |     1.14M |     0.36M |
| First Half YoY%          | +100.00% |   +130.86% |  +107.27% |   +56.52% |
| First Half WW%           |   19.18% |     44.84% |    27.34% |     8.63% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    1.42M |      3.45M |     2.02M |     0.45M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |   +3.65% |    +64.29% |   +56.59% |    -4.26% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   19.37% |     47.07% |    27.56% |     6.14% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)|    1.81M |      4.09M |     2.13M |     0.48M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative YoY%   |   +3.65% |    +64.29% |   +56.59% |    -4.26% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative WW%    |   21.27% |     48.06% |    25.03% |     5.64% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |    3.81M |      6.42M |     3.47M |     1.00M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   25.90% |     43.64% |    23.59% |     6.80% |
| Switch Hardware          |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |    1.15M |      1.99M |     1.61M |     0.92M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         | +116.98% |   +142.68% |  +222.00% |  +228.57% |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   20.25% |     35.04% |    28.35% |    16.20% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    1.58M |      2.47M |     1.70M |     1.12M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +27.42% |    +36.46% |   +33.86% |  +133.33% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   23.07% |     36.06% |    24.82% |    16.35% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |    2.71M |      4.59M |     2.97M |     1.29M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  +11.98% |     +8.77% |    -1.66% |   +11.21% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   23.42% |     39.67% |    25.67% |    11.15% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |    1.16M |      2.10M |     0.87M |     0.60M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  +13.73% |    +66.67% |   +58.18% |   +33.33% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   24.52% |     44.40% |    18.39% |    12.68% |
| First Half               |    2.73M |      4.46M |     3.31M |     2.04M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +54.24% |    +69.58% |   +87.01% |  +168.42% |
| First Half WW%           |   21.79% |     35.59% |    26.42% |    16.28% |
| First 3 Quarters         |    5.44M |      9.05M |     6.28M |     3.33M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  +29.83% |    +32.12% |   +31.11% |   +73.44% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   22.57% |     37.55% |    26.06% |    13.82% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)|    6.60M |     11.15M |     7.15M |     3.93M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative YoY%   |  +29.83% |    +32.12% |   +31.11% |   +73.44% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative WW%    |   22.89% |     38.67% |    24.80% |    13.63% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |   20.04M |     33.27M |    21.58M |     9.71M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   23.69% |     39.33% |    25.51% |    11.48% |
| Switch Software          |  Japan   |The Americas|  Europe   |   Other   |
| 1st Quarter (Units)      |   10.02M |     21.49M |    14.31M |     4.62M |
| 1st Quarter YoY%         | +127.21% |   +111.52% |  +112.95% |  +247.37% |
| 1st Quarter WW%          |   19.87% |     42.61% |    28.38% |     9.16% |
| 2nd Quarter (Units)      |    7.76M |     24.10M |    14.22M |     3.72M |
| 2nd Quarter YoY%         |  +31.75% |    +53.02% |   +18.90% |   +63.88% |
| 2nd Quarter WW%          |   15.58% |     48.37% |    28.54% |     7.47% |
| 3rd Quarter (Units)      |   13.91M |     33.95M |    23.85M |     4.16M |
| 3rd Quarter YoY%         |  +12.09% |    +19.50% |   +21.81% |    -2.12% |
| 3rd Quarter WW%          |   18.34% |     44.76% |    31.44% |     5.48% |
| 4th Quarter (Units)      |   13.33M |     22.88M |    13.86M |     4.70M |
| 4th Quarter YoY%         |  +35.33% |    +14.63% |   +16.37% |   +21.76% |
| 4th Quarter WW%          |   24.33% |     41.77% |    25.30% |     8.58% |
| First Half               |   17.78M |     45.59M |    28.53M |     8.34M |
| First Half YoY%          |  +72.62% |    +75.96% |   +52.73% |  +131.67% |
| First Half WW%           |   17.74% |     45.48% |    28.46% |     8.32% |
| First 3 Quarters         |   31.69M |     79.54M |    52.38M |    12.50M |
| First 3 Qtrs YoY%        |  +39.54% |    +46.43% |   +36.91% |   +59.24% |
| First 3 Qtrs WW%         |   18.00% |     45.17% |    29.74% |     7.10% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative (Units)|   45.02M |    102.42M |    66.24M |    17.20M |
| FY3/21 Cumulative YoY%   |  +39.54% |    +46.43% |   +36.91% |   +59.24% |
| FY3/21 Cumulative WW%    |   19.50% |     44.36% |    28.69% |     7.45% |
| Life-To-Date (Units)     |  112.21M |    261.00M |   172.15M |    41.74M |
| Life-To-Date WW%         |   19.11% |     44.45% |    29.32% |     7.11% |
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In the last post, those 36 million sellers are those that sold a million within the fiscal year, right? Or are those all million sellers on the system?
In the last post, those 36 million sellers are those that sold a million within the fiscal year, right? Or are those all million sellers on the system?
It's referring to titles that sold a million copies within the fiscal year. Edit: See the last sentence in the image taken from the Q4 FY3/21 earnings release:

If a game sold 500k in one fiscal year, the unit sales counter would be reset in the next fiscal year, it would then need to sell a million copies in the next fiscal year for it to be mentioned by Nintendo.

So you'd know that Zelda BotW has been a million-seller title in every fiscal year since the Switch launched looking at the data here.

You cannot find out how many titles are million-sellers in total because it's counting anything that sells one million units within a fiscal year.
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What it means also is that games with longer legs and less high-profile sales could be million-seller by now without ever appearing in Nintendo's stats.
I could see games like Ultra Street Fighter II, Dead Cells or Thief Simulator fall into that category.

This thread rocks by the way.
What it means also is that games with longer legs and less high-profile sales could be million-seller by now without ever appearing in Nintendo's stats.
I could see games like Ultra Street Fighter II, Dead Cells or Thief Simulator fall into that category.

This thread rocks by the way.
We actually do know Thief Simulator is a million seller on Switch, if you weren’t aware.
New code update
All the financial years posted in this thread so far have now had their first two tables updated with new code.

The table for:
"Consolidated operating results for the fiscal year ending..." Now has Year-on-Year data, operating margins, forecast revisions added along with the originals rather than being overwritten and cumulative data covering the first half and first three quarters of the year.

The table for:
"Consolidated sales units, sales units forecast and sales information for the fiscal year ending..." Now has Year-on-Year data, forecast revisions added along with the originals rather than being overwritten and cumulative data covering the first half and first three quarters of the year.
Changes to geographical sales data
I am slowly redoing the geographical sales data that it now shows year-on-year percentages and I have also added Switch OG data. This now takes up a lot of characters that I can't fit it with the other data on the same post due to the 40k character limit. Any geographical sales data that couldn't fit in the post of its fiscal year now goes to this link (or other links in the future): https://www.installbaseforum.com/fo...-fy3-2017-to-present-for-switch.205/post-8622
Regarding Margin of Error
Regarding accuracy errors in the data:

You might have noticed from time to time that some of the numbers you look at, especially from the general hardware/software sales data and the geographical hardware/software sales data might have a number that is off by 0.01 units or percent when it is compared to some quarters from Nintendo's earnings releases.

There's two circumstances where this happens. When I need to input LTD numbers, I am using the LTD number from the last fiscal year and adding the current FY numbers to it but, what may happen is that the LTD numbers up to a given quarter might be off by 0.01 units (This is manually fixed afterwards).

The other circumstance is when I am inputting the geographical sales data, what occurs is that I use the worldwide figures Nintendo uses separately from the regional figures. This means that when I add up all the regional figures, the total may not match the worldwide figure as it will it be off by 0.01 units. When doing the WW% comparison it is also off within 0.01% because the worldwide figure I use is more accurate than the regional figures added up.

The reason why this occurs is that all the numbers are rounded down. In this case, Nintendo gives their sales units for hardware and software in Ten Thousands hence the number gets rounded down to that figure. I have written an example below to explain how this occurs with the geographical sales data, when you see the worldwide data given by Nintendo, it was summed up by all the regional figures before being rounded down but, when you see the data for each region, those figures are rounded down hence if you tried to add up those regional figures and compared it to the worldwide figure, you might be off by ten thousand units. This is why there is no Total column for the Geographical Sales Data because the units will have a margin of error of 0.01 and you will never see the WW% adding up to exactly 100%.

Before you ask, if companies do not give exact figures then they'll round down the number. They're not going to round up otherwise you have units that don't exist.

WW = 1.012M units (not rounded down to ten thousand units)
WW = 1.01M units (rounded down to ten thousand units)

Example 1:
WW = A + B + C + D

A = 0.253M units (not rounded down to ten thousand units)

A = B = C = D

A * 4 = 4A

0.253 * 4 = 1.012M units (not rounded down to ten thousand units)

0.253 * 4 = 1.01M units (rounded down to ten thousand units)

Example 2:
WW ≠ a + b + c + d

a = 0.25M units (rounded down to ten thousand units)

a = b = c = d

a * 4 = 4a

0.25 * 4 = 1.00M units (not rounded down to ten thousand units)

0.25 * 4 = 1.00M units (rounded down to ten thousand units)

You should also notice this from Nintendo's million-seller titles from the fiscal year. There will be titles with WW figures of 1.15M units but when you sum up the Japan and Overseas data it might only give 1.14M units from being rounded down.
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I have finished updating the rest of the geographical sales data.

Only geographical sales data for FY3/20 and FY3/21 is in a separate post ( linked here ) due to the 40k character limit. Next fiscal year will also have this same occurrence due to all the Switch SKUs.

A reminder that there are new threadmarks.

If you notice any figures with an accuracy error larger than the margin of error ( >0.01) then point it out to me so I can check if it's an error that needs to be corrected.
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