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MC/OC reviews & scores round-up and their impact on sales

I think Action fans have been bashing the Musou genre for a few very specific reasons that seem to have been adressed for the most part, so it'll be interesting to see if they dip their toes in the series, it's not like we have many big action games coming soon anyway...
Sid Meier's Civilization VII New

Sid Meier's Civilization VII
2K Games, Firaxis Games
2025.02.11 - PC/PS5/PS4/XBS/XBO/NSW

Opencritic: TBD
Metacritic: 82

One of the cases where the average score is completely useless. Big departure on the formula and reviews go from 9-10 to 5-6.
User reception will be really interesting to see.
From reading the review complaints, a lot are fixable but will take time. The streamlining to make this console friendly for Day 1 release would be interesting to see what happens with sales, except they made so many MORE drastic changes that may polarize people we won't get a good answer.
From reading the review complaints, a lot are fixable but will take time. The streamlining to make this console friendly for Day 1 release would be interesting to see what happens with sales, except they made so many MORE drastic changes that may polarize people we won't get a good answer.

Personally hoping it does worse than past entries so this mistake isn't repeated.
Every new Civ since 5 has been widely panned by players on launch, I wouldn't expect any different for this one. It's always because people are going from one game that has been polished and refined for years with lots of complex mechanics, usually added in expansions, to one that is simpler and with fewer features. It's the Civ cycle at this point.

From watching previews it seems Civ is taking quite a few cues from Humankind and Old World, so that's really exciting to see. I also don't ideologically oppose UI simplification in favor of controller support, but it's gotta be done well. Hope they can ultimately take this one beyond what 6 managed.
Every new Civ since 5 has been widely panned by players on launch, I wouldn't expect any different for this one. It's always because people are going from one game that has been polished and refined for years with lots of complex mechanics, usually added in expansions, to one that is simpler and with fewer features. It's the Civ cycle at this point.

From watching previews it seems Civ is taking quite a few cues from Humankind and Old World, so that's really exciting to see. I also don't ideologically oppose UI simplification in favor of controller support, but it's gotta be done well. Hope they can ultimately take this one beyond what 6 managed.

Civ V got a 90 and Civ VI got an 88, an 81 is a pretty notable drop compared to other entries. I think a lot of strategy gamers are getting worn out by all these games that promise to be finished several years later while still charging full price and releasing dozens of DLCs.
Yeah, isn't 81 what the space-based Civ-like game got not too many years back? That's really bad for a mainline/numbered civ.

I'm kind of baffled that there are less than 40 reviews for Civ VII on Opencritic right now. That's just barely over half the amount of reviews for KCD2. Did they limit review copies?
Civ V got a 90 and Civ VI got an 88, an 81 is a pretty notable drop compared to other entries. I think a lot of strategy gamers are getting worn out by all these games that promise to be finished several years later while still charging full price and releasing dozens of DLCs.

Member title very much related 👀
Everyone copying the Paradox model and at some point Steam users are at a breaking point.
With development being more costly and taking longer the publishers are skipping the part where you have a polished base game and that's a big mistake.
You need a cushion of goodwill if you want to make your playerbase only slightly moan as you fleece them with the DLC avalanche. If they're already upset, they are certain practices that simply won't fly.
Civ V got a 90 and Civ VI got an 88, an 81 is a pretty notable drop compared to other entries. I think a lot of strategy gamers are getting worn out by all these games that promise to be finished several years later while still charging full price and releasing dozens of DLCs.
I said players, not reviewers. Honestly, I wouldn't put too much stock on reviews of these kinds of games, 4X, grand strategy etc. Their actual worth only comes out after hundreds of hours of play. Reviews are pretty much just to see how buggy launch might be. As for DLC fatigue... I don't see it, at least not yet. Hopefully soon though!
On the opposite end of the Spectrum: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Opencritic: 89
Metacritic: 87/88 depending on platform

This is a whoping 17 points jump compared to the 72 the first entry got on OC.

This will be a really big hit I think and one of the 2025 surprises.
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