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Lords Of The Fallen Sold around 900K; Sales Breakdown and Budget in OP [UP: 1.2M as of Nov 23]

Ryuichi Naruhodo

DeepL Translation :

"We are satisfied with the sales results of Lords of The Fallen, but we make no secret that we had higher expectations in terms of revenue. However, it should be remembered that the second half of 2023 was set for a lot of competition between titles. The winners were the studios with the biggest titles, such as Spider-Man 2," Tyminski said.

The presentation said the company estimates that Lords of The Fallen has sold around 900,000 copies to date. The company estimates that 50 percent of sales came from the Deluxe version of the game.

CI Games said in a presentation that the game's development budget amounted to PLN 178 million (approximately $44.8 million) and marketing budget to PLN 81.5 million (approximately $20.5 million).

Tyminski indicated that currently the game's largest sales channel is PlayStation. He reported that the conversion rate of Steam users who subscribed to the wish list for Lords of the Fallen and bought the game is about 10 percent.

In a press release for its Q3 report, the company said its goal is to achieve $100 million in revenue over the next few years from the Lords of The Fallen game. (PAP Business)

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50% from the deluxe version? was that just the preorder version or something?

To be honest, even if it's not what they wanted, I think it overperformed compared to other titles around that time. It was a hellish launch window and the reviews were mixed, so getting close to a million is a big win IMO.
I don't understand, then. They said that the game crossed 1 million in 10 days before, but now it's at 900.000 units up to date, so as of yesterday. The game came out on October 13th, 2023.

Should we assume some later adjustements from trackers occurred?
Back in October 23rd they stated that the game had exceeded 1 million copies sold, we even had a thread for it.
The Company's Management Board informs that as of the date of submission of this current report, i.e. October 23, 2023, sales of the Lords of the Fallen game exceeded 1 million copies.
Maybe it's sell-in vs sell-through?
Despite it seeming like a moderate success at first, I don't think it's in the black yet which is a bit concerning considering we're already 2 months separated from release and the game has already left the conversation (at least in the mainstream). I think the fact that it apparently runs terribly on consoles even after several patches isn't helping.
I don't understand, then. They said that the game crossed 1 million in 10 days before, but now it's at 900.000 units up to date, so as of yesterday. The game came out on October 13th, 2023.

Should we assume some later adjustements from trackers occurred?

Back in October 23rd they stated that the game had exceeded 1 million copies sold, we even had a thread for it.

Maybe it's sell-in vs sell-through?
Despite it seeming like a moderate success at first, I don't think it's in the black yet which is a bit concerning considering we're already 2 months separated from release and the game has already left the conversation (at least in the mainstream). I think the fact that it apparently runs terribly on consoles even after several patches isn't helping.

This is the Original Sentence in Polish , If anyone can translate it to give more accuracy of what the 900K Milestone means

W prezentacji podano, że spółka szacuje, iż Lords of The Fallen do tej pory sprzedało się w ok. 900 tys. egzemplarzy. Spółka ocenia, że 50 proc. sprzedaży pochodziło z wersji Delux gry.
yeah, I'm confused too
my initial feedback about the 1mil mark was "good but probably needs more to break-even" and going by those budgets it totally need to keep selling (at a decent MSRP)
Game will probably need at least an another million to break even.

At full price obviously, it’s going to be a though ride because current models dictate that you keep supporting your product and patch cycles rely on continuous sales.
1.2 million as of the end of November (which is funnily enough exactly when this thread was made, so I guess the 1 million in first 10 days was the more accurate report).

In October, the company launched the latest LotF iteration, its largest title to date, which we expect to drive scalable growth. Despite some initial issues relating to gamers’ legacy hardware, post-launch fixes have driven sales of 1.2m units by end-November. LotF is the first of CI Games’ strategic pillars aimed at increasing new intellectual property and release frequency. In the near term, maintaining LotF’s momentum and generating cash are key.
1.2m copies sold before December started sounds good imo, considering their target of $100m in lifetime revenue ("in the coming years") and the total budget of $65.3m. With a bit of luck, they will break even soon.

("Epic") pursuant to which the Company grants Epic the exclusive
worldwide distribution rights to the
sequel of the game "Lords of the Fallen" (working title: Project 3) (the
"Game") on the PC platform for
the entire product life cycle (the "Binding Term Sheet").

Seems like the sequel will be published by Epic. RIP to this franchise.

Seems like the sequel will be published by Epic. RIP to this franchise.
Without this they weren't able to finance the game:
"We don't want to slow down, we have two big games planned for release in 2025 and 2026. We are currently able to finance one of these titles on our own. However, we are committed to maintaining momentum and completing two games at the same time, especially since both of our internal studios have virtually full teams to complete each of the games." - the CEO indicated. CI Games said it is considering publisher financing for one of the productions, raising a strategic investor or debt financing. In addition, it wants to be able to issue up to 20%.

Good for them to secure funding and trying to keep their staff safe.

Seems like the sequel will be published by Epic. RIP to this franchise.
I am actually curious if Epic still goes with "exclusive to EGS" route or will publish to Steam too and rather provide some benefits to EGS users (like bundled previous games when purchased on EGS).
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