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Italian Videogame Industry/Market (2021)



IIDEA published the Italian videogame market repoert for 2021


Global spending
generated by the videogame market in Italy 2021:
- €2,243 billions
- + 2,9% compared to 2020
- 2020 vs 2019 was a +21,9%

Hardware (consoles + accessories) generated spending 2021:
- €443 millions
- +12,1% compared to 2020

Software generated spending 2020:
- €1,8 billions
- +0,9% compared to 2020


Hardware Console Volume:
Total: 946.800 hardware sold
Home Consoles (including Switch base + Switch OLED) = 821.146 units
Portable Consoles (including Switch Lite) = 125.640 units


Software Value:
Total value generated (€) = 1.800 million €
Digital (console + PC) = 771 mil€ (42,8%)
App = 762mil€ (42,3%)
Physical = 267mil€ (14,9%)


These numbers comes from another IIDEA report (March 24th, 2022), about the sales of the Italian market (2021)
The sources of this report are the following:
Interactive Software Federation of Europe, ISFE - including data from various sources like: Sparkers, Game Sales Data (GSD), GameTrack and AppAnnie

Global chart (all platforms, physical + digital)
- 1st place: FIFA 22
- 2nd place: Grand Theft Auto V
- 3rd place: FIFA 21

Note: the three top spots are THE VERY SAME of last year (with Fifa22 taking first place from Fifa21, now third, substituting Fifa20)


Best selling genres
- Action Games
- Sports Games
- Role-Playing Games

- Strategy Games
- Action Games
- Adventure Games

Very interesting tidbits this year about gameplay behaviours from Italian consumers

Weekly hours spent playing games: 8,7h/w
Portable consoles: 1,7h/w
PC: 4,4h/w
Smart devices: 5,2h/w
Home consoles: 8h/w

Home consoles players seem to be the most dedicated ones in Italy
Among those, Switch owners are playng WAY more than any other segment (probably due to its hybrid nature, that increase the chances/situation for its fruition?)

If I am reading right, Nintendo Switch Lite owners are the ones spending the least time per week playing (1.7h/week), but the hybrid owners are the ones spending the most time (9 hours/week).

That's very interesting.

Yes, it seems so
But note that among portables thermos are also other consoles (3ds, Vita..) and I suspect that those owners are playing even less, muddling the statistic
If I am reading right, Nintendo Switch Lite owners are the ones spending the least time per week playing (1.7h/week), but the hybrid owners are the ones spending the most time (9 hours/week).

That's very interesting.
My guess is that the Switch Lite owners are significantly younger (it's a no brainer in Italy for parents to purchase the 100€ cheaper model for kids who they deem not trustworthy with an expensive device) so they aren't as consistent in their play sessions/don't take long train/bus trips regularly capitalizing on the two birds with one stone factor of the hybrid.
An alternative view would be that Nintendo pulled off their multiple systems in one household strategy, so the regular Switch is the main system most of the games are played on while the Lite is only used due to convenience/smaller form factor.
Do we have any hint of to how much the PS5 sold?
well, it's certainly the majority of those 1.1M next gen consoles in the graph posted by Celine, I'd say anywhere between 650k and 900k leaning towards the upper bound, but it's really hard to gauge the success of Series X/S, to me it seems they made a lot of progress in the past few years thanks to GamePass's perceived value and the Bethesda acquisition and they are somewhat available contrary to PS5.
Well, it was sort of hinted in the report (OG/OLED: 2.3M + a big chunk of 1.4M portable consoles)

Well, that's how many people used that specific console, so it's 2.3m MINIMUM for Switch (last year it was 1.7m), the console portable segment last year was 1.9m, maybe a good chunk of it were 3DS...
Lite sales were higher in 2020 because the hybrid model got very hard to find when the pandemic started. A big chunk of Q2/Q3 sales were from the Lite model in 2020.
I dunno if this was in all Europe, but didn’t Nintendo Europe made a AC and Lite bundle for the Holidays in the continent?
Well, that's how many people used that specific console, so it's 2.3m MINIMUM for Switch (last year it was 1.7m), the console portable segment last year was 1.9m, maybe a good chunk of it were 3DS...

2.3 minimum for the "hybrid models", + a VERY high stake of that 1.4 million using portable
during the presentation they said Switch being comfortably over 3 milllions sold in Italy so I'd imagine we are looking at 3.5 millions more or less

does someone have Wii/DS numbers for Italy, in terms of LT sales?
Though the stat seem refer to the number of players...
it's unclear honestly, the title states "Devices used to play" while under the total of each category it says "di persone" which would be people (as in 2.3M individuals), imho it's just an unclear phrasing, otherwise they'd have to get data on the number of accounts active on each device which isn't something I'd expect IIDEA to get ahold of. It's much more likely to be just the total of systems sold.
it's unclear honestly, the title states "Devices used to play" while under the total of each category it says "di persone" which would be people (as in 2.3M individuals), imho it's just an unclear phrasing, otherwise they'd have to get data on the number of accounts active on each device which isn't something I'd expect IIDEA to get ahold of. It's much more likely to be just the total of systems sold.
Since under the "Console Portable" category they said "di persone", it's just Annual Active Users imo, those who played on the specific console at least one time in 2021
Italian eSports status
Today IIDEA with Nielsen posted a market research about the status of the eSports in Italy.
It is called "Status 2022", vs "Status 2021", but it's not exactly clear which period of time is covering
I think that this is a "nowadays" analysis, so let's say that in early 2022 the status (numbers and statistics) are the following, compared to the stats of last year (2021)

My article on Switchitalia
Full report HERE

Main data shared

  • 475k avid fans (daily watcher of esports matches or events)
  • 1.620k esports fans (weekly followers of esports matches or events)
  • 63% are male, between 21 and 40 years old (average: 28 YO)
  • 63% are higher-than-average citizens in terms of study (Bachelor degree) and salary (1.5k€ a months, after taxes)
  • 37% of avid fans are following esports since more than 3 years
  • Average time spent a week by avid fans on esports events/matches: 4.8h
  • Main genres: 1) Sports games; 2) Fps games; 3) Battle royale games; 4) MOBA games
  • 68% has a digital store account; the main one is the PS Store (32%)
  • 55% has a subscription so sub services (Twitch is the main one, with a 24% score)
  • 51% has a subscription to console services (PS, Xbox, Switch), with PS Plus being the main one (30%)
  • Main device for esports fan is PC (56%); mobile is second with 54%
  • Average montlhy spending for subs, merchandising related to esports is 46,9€ (avid fans spend an average of 60,5€ a month)
  • 67% of esports fans is aware about Token and NFT (no data about actual interest or spending about this, we probably have to wait until 2023 report)
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