This was a wild ride for expectations (personally) When first announced didn't see that much excitement other than hardcore fans from the first game, so I first thought this was going to do maybe slightly better, but overall very similar launch numbers to the first one, then when more information came I saw that this more of a refinement of the first one with the same biome and mostly the same enemies and started to get worried, as I saw people disappointed that the game looked way too similar to the first one yet somehow started to se more casual interest online, so started to believe this had potential to grow beyond the initial fanbase, continued to see people worried with some of the footage and then Capcom confirming that he game was not going to be a very stable game technically, but people were still excited, then reviews came and I for sure thought this was going to have RE level of sales, even when being a not so good technically game, just to see how some of the design choices gave way to a lot of misinformation about the MTX hurting the WOM a lot.
Still think this is a good success for Capcom, given that I totally saw the game doing less and also more depending on when you asked me about it, and given the first game legs, I have no trouble seeing this as a 10M seller in a few years, maybe with an expansion to address some of the complaints (enemy variety, which feels even more egregious when there is no easy way to fast travel, not even with MTX like some people tried to claim) and with hardware getting better, leading to people enjoying it with better framerates in the future.