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Capcom: Dragon’s Dogma 2 Sales Top 2.5 Million Units! (Up: 3M units as of May 2024)

Not so good performance when launching on multiple platforms and compared to other games on 1 platform ( like FF XVI)
Dragon's Dogma selling anywhere near a Final Fantasy game speaks more about FF than of DD, even with platform exclusivity. The game should be compared to its predecessor and other titles from the same publisher recently. DD2 more than doubled the sales of DD1 in half the time at a higher price point, and it's not that far off, relatively speaking, with far more popular titles like RE4R with its 3 million in 3 days.
This was a wild ride for expectations (personally) When first announced didn't see that much excitement other than hardcore fans from the first game, so I first thought this was going to do maybe slightly better, but overall very similar launch numbers to the first one, then when more information came I saw that this more of a refinement of the first one with the same biome and mostly the same enemies and started to get worried, as I saw people disappointed that the game looked way too similar to the first one yet somehow started to se more casual interest online, so started to believe this had potential to grow beyond the initial fanbase, continued to see people worried with some of the footage and then Capcom confirming that he game was not going to be a very stable game technically, but people were still excited, then reviews came and I for sure thought this was going to have RE level of sales, even when being a not so good technically game, just to see how some of the design choices gave way to a lot of misinformation about the MTX hurting the WOM a lot.

Still think this is a good success for Capcom, given that I totally saw the game doing less and also more depending on when you asked me about it, and given the first game legs, I have no trouble seeing this as a 10M seller in a few years, maybe with an expansion to address some of the complaints (enemy variety, which feels even more egregious when there is no easy way to fast travel, not even with MTX like some people tried to claim) and with hardware getting better, leading to people enjoying it with better framerates in the future.
Dragon's Dogma selling anywhere near a Final Fantasy game speaks more about FF than of DD, even with platform exclusivity. The game should be compared to its predecessor and other titles from the same publisher recently. DD2 more than doubled the sales of DD1 in half the time at a higher price point, and it's not that far off, relatively speaking, with far more popular titles like RE4R with its 3 million in 3 days.
Heck, we're still waiting on numbers for FF7R2...
Dragon's Dogma selling anywhere near a Final Fantasy game speaks more about FF than of DD, even with platform exclusivity. The game should be compared to its predecessor and other titles from the same publisher recently. DD2 more than doubled the sales of DD1 in half the time at a higher price point, and it's not that far off, relatively speaking, with far more popular titles like RE4R with its 3 million in 3 days.

Its not near to either FF or RE4R.

DD2 did 2.5M in 2 weeks on a 200M+ installbase
FF16 did 3M in 4 days on a 40M+ installbase
RER4 did 3M in 3 days on a 280M+ installbase
Its not near to either FF or RE4R.

DD2 did 2.5M in 2 weeks on a 200M+ installbase
FF16 did 3M in 4 days on a 40M+ installbase
RER4 did 3M in 3 days on a 280M+ installbase
Installbase stays a mostly useless qualifier for sales numbers. Nobody would argue that FF16 would've sold 15M on DD2's installbase.
Its not near to either FF or RE4R.

DD2 did 2.5M in 2 weeks on a 200M+ installbase
FF16 did 3M in 4 days on a 40M+ installbase
RER4 did 3M in 3 days on a 280M+ installbase
Why would install base matter here? Does SE get some sort of award and bonus for not releasing on other platforms? They made a business choice. It's no one's job to make excuses and qualifiers for them now.
Its not near to either FF or RE4R.

DD2 did 2.5M in 2 weeks on a 200M+ installbase
FF16 did 3M in 4 days on a 40M+ installbase
RER4 did 3M in 3 days on a 280M+ installbase

Quick question, if FF16 had access to a 280M active user base at launch, how many sales would it have made in 4 days?
Its not near to either FF or RE4R.

DD2 did 2.5M in 2 weeks on a 200M+ installbase
FF16 did 3M in 4 days on a 40M+ installbase
RER4 did 3M in 3 days on a 280M+ installbase
I don't understand why this is so disingenuous

-we know DD2's day count is 11, so why are we rounding up to 2 weeks? That's making it 3 days slower
-FFXVI never confirmed if it 4 or 6 days
-Even if it was 4 days, it is very probable it was overstepped. The legs were not bad enough to not get another million milestone in the first month if they had sold a lot of their 3 million stock ... and yet ...
-DD2 is mostly digital by far, so a lot of sell through in its figure
-This isn't even how installbase works
This install base conversation is quite bendable, like i could totally say

"FF16 confirmed more succesful than TOTK because it could have sold 12m in 3 days on a 120m player base, meanwhile TOTK only did 10m in 3 days on a 125m player base"

But we know that's not how things work
Why would install base matter here? Does SE get some sort of award and bonus for not releasing on other platforms? They made a business choice. It's no one's job to make excuses and qualifiers for them now.

Yes, the payment they get for exclusivity factors in the installbase.
It also effects sales so making a comparison without taking it into account is not capturing the market reality.

Quick question, if FF16 had access to a 280M active user base at launch, how many sales would it have made in 4 days?

We don't have the data to say exactly how much more but its definitely more.
Going from 40M to 280M is huge.

If installbase differences that big had no consequence then crossgenerational games wouldn't last so long and third parties would not be multiplatform.
Yes, the payment they get for exclusivity factors in the installbase.
It also effects sales so making a comparison without taking it into account is not capturing the market reality.
That would factor into us evaluating their profitability and business decisions. It doesn't say anything about units shifted in comparison to other products.

Factoring in install base is pointless. You don't get revenue for install base. They may negotiate a better marketing deal based on install base but that's something separate since we can't determine how units and profitability would move as a result.
The install base argument is so flawed, and obviously used to paint certain games in a positive or negative light depending on the person, that it’s not worth entertaining IMO.
Weird how this installbase thing never came up in 2017-2019. And I have a feeling it will vanish again next year.

TLDW: The update is not good, to say the least, the worrysome thing is that the game has clearly some CPU issues which should not be fixed by the PS5 Pro.

TLDW: The update is not good, to say the least, the worrysome thing is that the game has clearly some CPU issues which should not be fixed by the PS5 Pro.

Must be the engine, right? Maybe it can't deal with open world. Because nothing in the game should be pushing the CPU that hard.
Must be the engine, right? Maybe it can't deal with open world. Because nothing in the game should be pushing the CPU that hard.
This is an explanation from Capcom:
■Regarding Frame Rate
A large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and calculating the impact of their physical presence in various areas. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate. We are aware that in such situations, settings that reduce GPU load may currently have a limited effect; however, we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future.
They say frame-rate improvements will be coming in future updates, so the waiting game continues.
Numbers are good. Hopefully it has recoup all cost already. Series such as DD are not AAA sellers in the level of MH, but a healthy markets is one were good games also find success.
The legs feels kinda bad for this title. This title should be good match to BG3 audience that enjoy this western rpg art style.

But the bad reception really hurt the legs a lot.
The legs feels kinda bad for this title. This title should be good match to BG3 audience that enjoy this western rpg art style.

But the bad reception really hurt the legs a lot.

Still 3 million this early...is good. Really good.

A good expansion and a Switch 2 port and I think this could hit 10 million in a few years.
I still dont get the big surge of interest that Dragons Dogma 2 received close to the release, maybe the "Elden Ring fanbase(not the Souls)", thought the game would be a game like Elden Ring, then the game released and this casual audie noticed that its not the same and all that rage about microtransations and they didnt want to get the game in the end
Even though sales are good overall, I believe this title had the potential for significantly higher sales.
Unfortunately, some easily avoidable design decisions have likely had a very negative impact on the game's reputation.
I don't know, I don't think this having fast travel and good performance (both of which would have necessitated a total rework of the design of the game as it wouldn't be as alive as it is) would helped reaching 5 million or something in the same timeframe, I think this is reaching the amount of people that would be interested in a game like this (kind of repetitive but incredibly alive and where sometimes the unexpected can happen). This seems a really good result as it seems a lot of the people who got Dark Arisen for pennies actually went an upgraded to day one, and I'm sure once it starts getting price reductions it will surpass even something like DMCV.
Still 3 million this early...is good. Really good.

A good expansion and a Switch 2 port and I think this could hit 10 million in a few years.
Eh, could this realistically run on the Switch 2? Not that I think graphically it would be that difficult, but the game is still murder on the CPU. Every console this is on likely has a more powerful CPU than switch 2. Capcom needs to drastically improve performance for this first.
Eh, could this realistically run on the Switch 2? Not that I think graphically it would be that difficult, but the game is still murder on the CPU. Every console this is on likely has a more powerful CPU than switch 2. Capcom needs to drastically improve performance for this first.
The AI/CPU issue is something they need to work on for the game in general, it's limiting audience on PC even. I don't think it'll be easy but it's something I can see being addressed to reach a wider PC audience, improve and make the PS5/Series ports really playable and also make a scaled Switch 2 downport viable. Even it takes changing some elements of the core game design.

DDDA did incredibly well on Switch 1 (and it was also a PC downport rather than a PS360 upport) so I can see Capcom eager to repeat that success.
I feel this is the highest this game could have sold so far and that this is a success.

I thought this might bomb because it generated a lot of hype based on its cult status which is a hard thing to measure, the game itself is not the sort of game I expect to sell a lot. Capcom must have been very nervous about the sales on this, and 3 million and counting must be a plus for them.
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