So GDC happened and Sven Vincke sat down with Tamoor Hussain of Gamespot for a little interview about the production of BG3 as well as the future of Larian, but what's relevant for this thread is this little nugget at
1:34 of the video Sven gets asked about the scale of the success of the game and Sven answers with:
...It's almost double D:OS2 now
Posted this earlier in the thread but might as well just repost it here.
D:OS1 sold 2.5M copies as of
GDC 2019
Then in an interview with
Eurogamer in July of last year we've had this quote from Sven:
So while this is going on, Original Sin 2 comes out and does very well. Can you talk about how many copies those two Divinity: Original Sin games have sold?
I actually don't know on DOS1. It's a lot. DOS2 is more.
[Laughs] Can you be more specific?
You're going to quote me so I don't want to say a quote which is not true on this.
I want to say, but I'm not sure if it's true, that DOS2 sold three times DOS1. 'Many millions' is the real answer. Enough to sustain something like BG3 and allow us to develop it.
Leads us to something like this:
D:OS1 - 2.5M
D:OS2 - 7.5M
BG3 - 14.X M(?)
Of course, it is true that both D:OS1(post Feb/March GDC 2019) and D:OS2(post July 2023) would've sold more residual copies over time, and it is very likely that all the numbers for the 3 games are decently higher but I wanted to be the most conservative here.
Considering the kind of growth between titles for Larian, even just a couple more thousand copies for D:OS1 from 2019 ---> 2023 would have a real knock on effect towards D:OS2 and ultimately BG3 real sales figure.
So, in all likelihood, BG3 has likely crossed(and pretty comfortably at that) the 15M+ mark.
Edit: I do find it funny that Sven really doesn't want to give sales figures.
Boast about your success a little bit more concretely, pretty please?