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I have to make this "news" be its own thread since it was being discussed in the recent Bandai Namco earnings release thread to make sure that a later thread doesn't appear saying the wrong information.
A poster in that earnings thread referenced a thread from Resetera regarding this news: https://www.resetera.com/threads/it...f-elden-ring-ip-since-24th-april-2023.817356/
That resetera thread is titled: "It seems From Software is now the sole owner of Elden ring IP since 24th April 2023"
In the OP of that thread, the OP posted images and links showing that the Trademark for Elden Ring has changed ownership from Bandai Namco to FromSoftware. And then they posted the following resetera thread: https://www.resetera.com/threads/te...-kadokawa-remain-majority-shareholder.626374/
And then the OP said the following: "FS got investement from SIE and Tencent in August 2022 to help them self published"
A Reminder about Trademarks:
The OP of that resetera thread has claimed in their thread title that, "It seems From Software is now the sole owner of Elden ring IP since 24th April 2023" and posted trademarks. What is a Trademark? It's like a patent where you indicate to the trademark office that you're planning to release a product of some class in their country or region (there are international trademarks registrations that simplify registering the trademark in many countries). If a competitor released a game on some platform called, "Elden Ring 2" and they did not own the Trademark for Elden Ring, FromSoftware would have to take that competitor to court for trademark infringement to protect their IP. If the competitor only infringed on the Trademark and did not use any assets or other IP such as characters from the actual Elden Ring game released in 2022, then they won't also be sued for copyright infringement.
Now you, the viewer of this thread might be thinking, "The OP from that resetera thread hasn't said anything wrong, if FromSoftware has the trademark then it's correct what that OP said, that FromSoftware can now self-publish the game", except the problem is that their thread title said that FromSoftware "is now the sole owner of the Elden Ring IP". I've looked through the posts in that thread and the reactions from posters are that they really think that "Bandai Namco no longer owns Elden Ring".
What about the Copyright?
When I saw that "Bandai Namco no longer owns Elden Ring" and looked at the resetera thread mentioned, my first thought was, "Who owns the copyright?"
The first thing I did was, "What is on the title screen?". I'm linking from YouTube a video of the title screen from 2022:
You the viewer reacts, "That's before April 2023!", correct. I was first confirming the copyright. Let's look at other sources.
Steam page:
Steam page says: "ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc."
Japanese PlayStation Store page: https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/product/JP0506-PPSA03169_00-2465683171993968
Japanese PlayStation Store page says: "ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc."
Before you comment on the obvious, let's first read what it is saying. It says in "English": "Elden Ring trademark and copyright Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. SLASH copyright FromSoftware, Inc"
What does this mean? It is saying, Bandai Namco own the trademark and copyright, while FromSoftware owns the copyright.
You react, "They both own the copyright?" Yes, it is possible for multiple companies and/or persons to have co-ownership of a copyright. What are the implications of that? We'll get to it later.
You also would have noticed then that the Intellectual Property information on Steam and the PlayStation Store is out of date because it says Bandai Namco owns the Trademark when they are no longer the trademark owner.
Where else can we find up-to-date IP info? I then went to the official website of FromSoftware, I scrolled down the bottom of this page which listed copyright info for each title, but it doesn't list every title: https://www.fromsoftware.jp/ww/products.html
I then went to the page for Elden Ring and didn't find any copyright notices: https://www.fromsoftware.jp/ww/detail.html?csm=105
Then I went to the Elden Ring JP Official Site it listed: https://www.eldenring.jp/index.html
I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and found: "©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. / ©2024 FromSoftware, Inc."
I then checked the Wayback Machine to find out what it said back in March 2022: https://web.archive.org/web/20220302160754/https://www.eldenring.jp/index.html
I scrolled down to the bottom of that page and found: "©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc."
I need to remind you that you should not assume that this is how you find copyright notices for everything. Here is a Bandai Namco Entertainment website showing Elden Ring: https://eldenring.bn-ent.net/en/
If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you will find: "©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.". Be careful if you do that, you need to scroll up a bit inside the Elden Ring page and you will see: "ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2021 FromSoftware, Inc."
You're probably wondering, "How can we be sure that copyright mentioned on the official Elden Ring JP website is for the actual game and not the website?"
Here's two Elden Ring videos to show you.
From the FromSoftware YouTube channel of TV Commercial 1 for Elden Ring:
You will see it says, "©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc." which is consistent with the Elden Ring JP official website on the wayback machine.
The other video is from the Bandai Namco Europe channel of the Elden Ring launch trailer:
"ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc." is found at the bottom of the screen.
After all this, you're probably wondering, "Who owns the trademark for Elden Ring in Japan?". It's FromSoftware, they own it since they applied for the trademark in 2019. Here is the link to the Japanese trademark found through the Japan Patent Office website: https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/c...EF4B1C1FE2A0A9DD04CFCE8F8BF522ACA29A45F/40/ja
What are the implications of Bandai Namco and FromSoftware having co-ownership of the copyright?
First of all, it doesn't mean that Bandai Namco "No longer owns Elden Ring". We do not know anything behind the scenes if FromSoftware is going to take the copyright form Bandai Namco. I also showed you the official Elden Ring JP website and, it shows that From Software updated the year of their copyright to 2024 but have not removed Bandai Namco's copyright.
Instead of speculating, let's talk about real-world examples of trademark and copyright usage in games.
Sega owns the trademark for Bayonetta: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/US502008077444642
Sega also owns the trademark for Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/US502023079367864
Sega owns the copyright for Bayonetta 1.
Sega and Nintendo have co-ownership of the copyright for Bayonetta 2 and 3 and Bayonetta Origins.
What does this mean? If Sega wanted to port Bayonetta 2 and 3 to PC or other consoles, they would need to get permission from Nintendo. If they do not get permission and do it anyway, Nintendo could take them to court and get the game removed from storefronts. Of course, Sega wouldn't be stupid to spend money porting the games to then get sued.
Sega can make a Bayonetta 4 without Nintendo, as long as it doesn't use any copyrighted material from Bayonetta 2 and 3. If it does, they need to get permission from Nintendo to use those copyrighted materials in Bayonetta 4.
If Nintendo wanted to make Bayonetta 4, obviously they need to get permission from Sega to use their copyright to use their materials and to use their trademark to call the game Bayonetta 4.
Here's another example.
Natsume owns the trademark for Harvest Moon, they do not own any of the copyrighted materials that belong to Marvelous from the game series, "Story of Seasons".
You have seen Natsume release a bunch of Harvest Moon titles on the Switch and other consoles recently, they are new titles. Not the ones you are familiar with on past consoles, that is because they don't own the copyright to re-release the old games onto new consoles.
You will see that Natsume's current Harvest Moon games look nothing like the Story of Seasons games from Marvelous. If they used any copyrighted materials such as the "iconic look" of the cows from Story of Seasons, Marvelous would be taking them to court for copyright infringement.
Lastly, let's talk about The Wonderful 101.
We know that Nintendo transferred the copyright of The Wonderful 101 to Platinum Games. Nintendo no longer owns the copyright for The Wonderful 101. Here's the weird thing, Nintendo still owns the Trademark of The Wonderful 101 in some regions.
In the US, Nintendo still owns the trademark: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/US502012085727861
In Japan, Nintendo still owns the trademark: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/JP502012000073411
However, in Canada and some other countries, you will find PlatinumGames owning the trademark: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/CA502013001612784
What does that mean? If PlatinumGames wanted to do a port of The Wonderful 101 on... Google Stadia, they would need to get permission from Nintendo to be allowed to use The Wonderful 101 trademark in the US and Japanese releases of The Wonderful 101 on Google Stadia. If they don't get permission, they would have to change the name of the title for those regions from The Wonderful 101 to... anything else not trademarked. There are past examples of this, where Nintendo couldn't trademark Star Fox in Europe so the Star Fox SNES game in Europe was called Starwing and then Star Fox 64 was called Lylat Wars.
At this point in time, we do not know if FromSoftware is planning to become the "sole owner of the Elden Ring IP", why have they taken the overseas trademark for Elden Ring? I don't know their reasons; they already owned the Elden Ring trademark in Japan. FromSoftware also own the Armored Core trademark overseas despite Bandai Namco and FromSoftware having copyright co-ownership of the game Armored Core 6.
If you're thinking, "It's to self-publish Elden Ring in the West!". Ok, they can now self-publish Elden Ring in the West, they still have to get permission from Bandai Namco who has co-ownership of the copyright. That doesn't match up with, "Bandai Namco no longer owns Elden Ring".
Regarding the resetera thread I used as the premise of this thread because it was posted in the Bandai Namco earnings thread. I do not know who the original source of this information is. If you try to Google search "From Software sole owner Elden Ring IP", you will see that this "news" about FromSoftware being the sole owner of the Elden Ring IP has spread everywhere to gaming outlets.
Some of those gaming outlets are correctly saying that it's a trademark, but they're still coming to the wrong conclusion by saying that "FromSoftware is now the sole owner of Elden Ring" because of this change of trademark ownership while ignoring the copyright co-ownership.
A poster in that earnings thread referenced a thread from Resetera regarding this news: https://www.resetera.com/threads/it...f-elden-ring-ip-since-24th-april-2023.817356/
That resetera thread is titled: "It seems From Software is now the sole owner of Elden ring IP since 24th April 2023"
In the OP of that thread, the OP posted images and links showing that the Trademark for Elden Ring has changed ownership from Bandai Namco to FromSoftware. And then they posted the following resetera thread: https://www.resetera.com/threads/te...-kadokawa-remain-majority-shareholder.626374/
And then the OP said the following: "FS got investement from SIE and Tencent in August 2022 to help them self published"
A Reminder about Trademarks:
The OP of that resetera thread has claimed in their thread title that, "It seems From Software is now the sole owner of Elden ring IP since 24th April 2023" and posted trademarks. What is a Trademark? It's like a patent where you indicate to the trademark office that you're planning to release a product of some class in their country or region (there are international trademarks registrations that simplify registering the trademark in many countries). If a competitor released a game on some platform called, "Elden Ring 2" and they did not own the Trademark for Elden Ring, FromSoftware would have to take that competitor to court for trademark infringement to protect their IP. If the competitor only infringed on the Trademark and did not use any assets or other IP such as characters from the actual Elden Ring game released in 2022, then they won't also be sued for copyright infringement.
Now you, the viewer of this thread might be thinking, "The OP from that resetera thread hasn't said anything wrong, if FromSoftware has the trademark then it's correct what that OP said, that FromSoftware can now self-publish the game", except the problem is that their thread title said that FromSoftware "is now the sole owner of the Elden Ring IP". I've looked through the posts in that thread and the reactions from posters are that they really think that "Bandai Namco no longer owns Elden Ring".
What about the Copyright?
When I saw that "Bandai Namco no longer owns Elden Ring" and looked at the resetera thread mentioned, my first thought was, "Who owns the copyright?"
The first thing I did was, "What is on the title screen?". I'm linking from YouTube a video of the title screen from 2022:
You the viewer reacts, "That's before April 2023!", correct. I was first confirming the copyright. Let's look at other sources.
Steam page:
Steam page says: "ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc."
Japanese PlayStation Store page: https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/product/JP0506-PPSA03169_00-2465683171993968
Japanese PlayStation Store page says: "ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc."
Before you comment on the obvious, let's first read what it is saying. It says in "English": "Elden Ring trademark and copyright Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. SLASH copyright FromSoftware, Inc"
What does this mean? It is saying, Bandai Namco own the trademark and copyright, while FromSoftware owns the copyright.
You react, "They both own the copyright?" Yes, it is possible for multiple companies and/or persons to have co-ownership of a copyright. What are the implications of that? We'll get to it later.
You also would have noticed then that the Intellectual Property information on Steam and the PlayStation Store is out of date because it says Bandai Namco owns the Trademark when they are no longer the trademark owner.
Where else can we find up-to-date IP info? I then went to the official website of FromSoftware, I scrolled down the bottom of this page which listed copyright info for each title, but it doesn't list every title: https://www.fromsoftware.jp/ww/products.html
I then went to the page for Elden Ring and didn't find any copyright notices: https://www.fromsoftware.jp/ww/detail.html?csm=105
Then I went to the Elden Ring JP Official Site it listed: https://www.eldenring.jp/index.html
I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and found: "©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. / ©2024 FromSoftware, Inc."
I then checked the Wayback Machine to find out what it said back in March 2022: https://web.archive.org/web/20220302160754/https://www.eldenring.jp/index.html
I scrolled down to the bottom of that page and found: "©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc."
I need to remind you that you should not assume that this is how you find copyright notices for everything. Here is a Bandai Namco Entertainment website showing Elden Ring: https://eldenring.bn-ent.net/en/
If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you will find: "©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.". Be careful if you do that, you need to scroll up a bit inside the Elden Ring page and you will see: "ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2021 FromSoftware, Inc."
You're probably wondering, "How can we be sure that copyright mentioned on the official Elden Ring JP website is for the actual game and not the website?"
Here's two Elden Ring videos to show you.
From the FromSoftware YouTube channel of TV Commercial 1 for Elden Ring:
You will see it says, "©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc." which is consistent with the Elden Ring JP official website on the wayback machine.
The other video is from the Bandai Namco Europe channel of the Elden Ring launch trailer:
"ELDEN RING™ & ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2022 FromSoftware, Inc." is found at the bottom of the screen.
After all this, you're probably wondering, "Who owns the trademark for Elden Ring in Japan?". It's FromSoftware, they own it since they applied for the trademark in 2019. Here is the link to the Japanese trademark found through the Japan Patent Office website: https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/c...EF4B1C1FE2A0A9DD04CFCE8F8BF522ACA29A45F/40/ja
What are the implications of Bandai Namco and FromSoftware having co-ownership of the copyright?
First of all, it doesn't mean that Bandai Namco "No longer owns Elden Ring". We do not know anything behind the scenes if FromSoftware is going to take the copyright form Bandai Namco. I also showed you the official Elden Ring JP website and, it shows that From Software updated the year of their copyright to 2024 but have not removed Bandai Namco's copyright.
Instead of speculating, let's talk about real-world examples of trademark and copyright usage in games.
Sega owns the trademark for Bayonetta: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/US502008077444642
Sega also owns the trademark for Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/US502023079367864
Sega owns the copyright for Bayonetta 1.
Sega and Nintendo have co-ownership of the copyright for Bayonetta 2 and 3 and Bayonetta Origins.
What does this mean? If Sega wanted to port Bayonetta 2 and 3 to PC or other consoles, they would need to get permission from Nintendo. If they do not get permission and do it anyway, Nintendo could take them to court and get the game removed from storefronts. Of course, Sega wouldn't be stupid to spend money porting the games to then get sued.
Sega can make a Bayonetta 4 without Nintendo, as long as it doesn't use any copyrighted material from Bayonetta 2 and 3. If it does, they need to get permission from Nintendo to use those copyrighted materials in Bayonetta 4.
If Nintendo wanted to make Bayonetta 4, obviously they need to get permission from Sega to use their copyright to use their materials and to use their trademark to call the game Bayonetta 4.
Here's another example.
Natsume owns the trademark for Harvest Moon, they do not own any of the copyrighted materials that belong to Marvelous from the game series, "Story of Seasons".
You have seen Natsume release a bunch of Harvest Moon titles on the Switch and other consoles recently, they are new titles. Not the ones you are familiar with on past consoles, that is because they don't own the copyright to re-release the old games onto new consoles.
You will see that Natsume's current Harvest Moon games look nothing like the Story of Seasons games from Marvelous. If they used any copyrighted materials such as the "iconic look" of the cows from Story of Seasons, Marvelous would be taking them to court for copyright infringement.
Lastly, let's talk about The Wonderful 101.
We know that Nintendo transferred the copyright of The Wonderful 101 to Platinum Games. Nintendo no longer owns the copyright for The Wonderful 101. Here's the weird thing, Nintendo still owns the Trademark of The Wonderful 101 in some regions.
In the US, Nintendo still owns the trademark: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/US502012085727861
In Japan, Nintendo still owns the trademark: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/JP502012000073411
However, in Canada and some other countries, you will find PlatinumGames owning the trademark: https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/CA502013001612784
What does that mean? If PlatinumGames wanted to do a port of The Wonderful 101 on... Google Stadia, they would need to get permission from Nintendo to be allowed to use The Wonderful 101 trademark in the US and Japanese releases of The Wonderful 101 on Google Stadia. If they don't get permission, they would have to change the name of the title for those regions from The Wonderful 101 to... anything else not trademarked. There are past examples of this, where Nintendo couldn't trademark Star Fox in Europe so the Star Fox SNES game in Europe was called Starwing and then Star Fox 64 was called Lylat Wars.
At this point in time, we do not know if FromSoftware is planning to become the "sole owner of the Elden Ring IP", why have they taken the overseas trademark for Elden Ring? I don't know their reasons; they already owned the Elden Ring trademark in Japan. FromSoftware also own the Armored Core trademark overseas despite Bandai Namco and FromSoftware having copyright co-ownership of the game Armored Core 6.
If you're thinking, "It's to self-publish Elden Ring in the West!". Ok, they can now self-publish Elden Ring in the West, they still have to get permission from Bandai Namco who has co-ownership of the copyright. That doesn't match up with, "Bandai Namco no longer owns Elden Ring".
Regarding the resetera thread I used as the premise of this thread because it was posted in the Bandai Namco earnings thread. I do not know who the original source of this information is. If you try to Google search "From Software sole owner Elden Ring IP", you will see that this "news" about FromSoftware being the sole owner of the Elden Ring IP has spread everywhere to gaming outlets.
Some of those gaming outlets are correctly saying that it's a trademark, but they're still coming to the wrong conclusion by saying that "FromSoftware is now the sole owner of Elden Ring" because of this change of trademark ownership while ignoring the copyright co-ownership.
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