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Bandai Namco FY3/22 Annual Report and Fact Book - Series IP data, Tales of... Series up 196% year on year, SRW up 485% YoY


(They publish Dark Souls)
Link to annual report: https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/files/ir/integrated/pdf/en_2022_integrated.pdf

link to Fact Book: https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/files/ir/integrated/pdf/2022EN_fact.pdf

Link to my webpage where you can find the series IP data from FY3/19 to FY3/22: https://r134x7.github.io/nintendo-earnings-data-and-other-video-game-companies/

Here's the series IP data from the Fact Book:
| Bandai Namco - IP Series Data  |
| First appearance to recent FY |
| Rank                           |
| Units                          |
| Naruto-related                           |
| January 2009 to March 2022   | Rank 1    |
| FY3/22 Cumulative  |     7.31M |
| FY3/22 Cml. YoY%   |   +42.22% |
| Life-To-Date       |    28.11M |
| Dark Souls                               |
| September 2011 to March 2022 | Rank 2    |
| Note: Total for overseas sales for which |
| BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. was the  |
| original seller (excluding domestic      |
| sales by FromSoftware, Inc.)             |
| FY3/22 Cumulative  |     4.06M |
| FY3/22 Cml. YoY%   |    -1.46% |
| Life-To-Date       |     33.4M |
| Tales of...                              |
| December 1995 to March 2022  | Rank 3    |
| FY3/22 Cumulative  |     2.91M |
| FY3/22 Cml. YoY%   |  +196.94% |
| Life-To-Date       |    27.75M |
| Tekken                                   |
| March 1995 to March 2022     | Rank 4    |
| FY3/22 Cumulative  |     1.99M |
| FY3/22 Cml. YoY%   |    +0.00% |
| Life-To-Date       |     54.5M |
| Super Robot Wars                         |
| April 1991 to March 2022     | Rank 5    |
| FY3/22 Cumulative  |     0.82M |
| FY3/22 Cml. YoY%   |  +485.71% |
| Life-To-Date       |    20.06M |

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Dark Souls was at 27M on May 2020 (or at least that's when the announcement was made).

Sold around 7M since then, 4M in the last FY. I'm curious to see if it'll have a significant boost during this year due to Elden Ring attracting new fans.
On page 20, does that say there were 56,847,000 units of "home video games" sold in the 12 month span? Wow, that's a lot. Average sales price of ~3000 yen per unit it looks like.
So Darl Souls probably joined 3 in being over 10 million with that number. I wonder if DS2 is close.
"Strengthening content originating overseas" - looks like this generation it is Bandai Namco that sees as its mission to "save" PS in japan.

I think that's totally unrelated. They've talked in the past about wanting development studios in Europe and the US, I think they actually bought a small European developer this year?
I think that's totally unrelated. They've talked in the past about wanting development studios in Europe and the US, I think they actually bought a small European developer this year?
Ah, I was unaware they had any studios outside Japan, so the only interpretation that made sense to me was they intended to strengthen sales of overseas games they publish in japan.
Ah, I was unaware they had any studios outside Japan, so the only interpretation that made sense to me was they intended to strengthen sales of overseas games they publish in japan.
They don't really do that though. The only overseas games they publish themselves is the games from Bandai Namco Europe like Little Nightmares and the Dark Pictures games
| Super Robot Wars |
| April 1991 to March 2022 | Rank 5 |
| FY3/22 Cumulative | 0.82M |
| FY3/22 Cml. YoY% | +485.71% |
| Life-To-Date | 20.06M |
What releasing a game internationally does for series with fans across the world for the first time.
Original Generations should also see a boost if they do the Steam international Edition again though i would love a Switch/PS4/PS5 version as well.
Sorry for bumping but I've been trying to look for sales of SRW30. This would indicate that at least up until March, it sold around 820k? Is this the latest number we have for it? Is there any way to find the split between Steam, Switch and PS4?
Sorry for bumping but I've been trying to look for sales of SRW30. This would indicate that at least up until March, it sold around 820k? Is this the latest number we have for it? Is there any way to find the split between Steam, Switch and PS4?

It's the latest number in the fact book until the next annual report in 2023.

You would have to search for PR releases (if they released any) to find any specific game sales milestones.

I don't know of any way for you to find the platform splits.
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